Double Party

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Double Party is a mechanic featured in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. It provides the player with two attacking parties in battle.


During a fight that utilizes Double Party, turns will alternate between Nanashi and his demons and a second party. The second party's composition and skills are preset and cannot be edited or adjusted by the player. The second party also has access to a unique inventory of items, separate from Nanashi's inventory.

Any healing or support skills cast during a fight will only apply to the active party. Parties can only access items that are available to their respective party and cannot use the items available to the other party.

Mechanics by Game

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Double Party is utilized in a total of two fights in the game: the battle against YHVH and the final fight of the Messiahs in the Diamond Realm DLC.

The second party's composition in the YHVH fight is dependent on the route the player has chosen. If fighting YHVH on the Bonds route, the second party will be comprised of Flynn, Jonathan, Walter, and Isabeau. If fighting YHVH on the Massacre route, the second party will only have Flynn and Satan.

The second party's composition in the Messiahs in the Diamond Realm DLC features the Hero, Aleph, Demi-fiend, and Flynn.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ダブルパーティ Double Party