Demonic Decree

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Demonic Decree is a recurring skill in the Megami Tensei franchise.


Demonic Decree, also known as Hell's Judgement and Demonic Judgement, is a skill that reduces a percentage of HP.

In Persona 4, Hell's Judgement is only used by enemies. In Persona 4 Golden, Demonic Judgement can also be skilled onto a Persona via Skill Change.



Game Attribute S. TypeSkill Type D. TypeDamage Type Effect Cost P. LevelPower Level Target Range Hits B. PowerBase Power C. RateCritical Hit Rate Accuracy Rank Usage
In Battle Outside
Persona 3 Reload Darkness Reduces HP by half. 38 SP ? One Foe 100
Persona 4 Darkness 50% chance to halve HP
Persona 4 Golden Darkness 70% chance of HP reduction; Can only be obtained via Skill Change 54 SP All Enemies 100%
Persona 5 Curse Magical Halves current HP. 38 SP One Foe 1 50 95%
Persona 5 Royal Curse Magical Halves current HP. 38 SP One Foe 1 50 95%


Game Description
Persona 3 Reload Dark attack that reduces HP of 1 foe by 50%.
Persona 4 Darkness: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Persona 5 Curse attack that reduces HP of one foe by 50%.





Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 悪魔の審判 Akuma no Shinpan Devil's Judgment
Simplified Chinese 恶魔审判 Èmó Shěnpàn Demonic Judgment
Traditional Chinese 惡魔審判 Èmó Shěnpàn Demonic Judgment
French Décret démoniaquePersona 3 Reload
Demonic Decree
German Dämonen-DekretPersona 3 Reload
Demons' Decree
Italian Decreto demoniacoPersona 3 Reload
Demonic Decree
Korean 악마의 심판 Angma-ui Simpan Devil's Judgment
Polish Demoniczny dekretPersona 3 Reload
Demonic Decree
Brazilian Portuguese Decreto DemoníacoPersona 3 Reload
Demonic Decree
Russian Дьявольский указPersona 3 Reload
Dʼyavolʼskiy ukaz
Devil's Decree
Spanish Decreto demoníacoPersona 3 Reload
Demonic Decree
Turkish Şeytani HükümPersona 3 Reload
Demonic Rule


