A Trip to Hawaii

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link=Category: This article covers a complete plot summary.
The contents within will contain major spoilers. Reader discretion is advised.

A Trip to Hawaii is a downloadable story content for Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. It adds a Challenge Quest that will momentarily transport Nanashi to another area to fight a boss when accepted. The Challenge Quest involves Nanashi and his friends visiting the island of Hawaii. The downloadable content recommends that players reach the endgame before attempting this Challenge Quest.

The content was released for purchase and download on October 4, 2016 in North America,[1] as part of a weekly wave of downloadable content for Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. As of the Nintendo 3DS eShop's closure on March 27, 2023, it is no longer possible to purchase or download any of the game's downloadable content.[2]


Nanashi receives a letter from a client named Mephistopheles, inviting the boy to visit his island and enjoy life there. Upon accepting the letter's terms, Mephisto appears, agreeing to fulfill the hospitality promised in the letter whilst claiming it is what Nanashi's heart desires. He also provides Nanashi a way to leave: utter the phrase "Stay, thou art so beautiful." and the demon will come back to receive his payment for his services. Nanashi can say this exit phrase at certain points of the story; if he does, the demon will come back to claim his payment.

Mephisto then asks Nanashi to form a contract with him. Nanashi can say the exit phrase at this point, to which Mephisto will be amused at the boy's impatience then attacks him. If he instead accepts the contract, Mephisto will fulfill his end of the bargain, sending Nanashi to the island of Hawaii.

Meeting with the others

Nanashi awakens on the white sands of a Hawaiian beach to the sound of Hallelujah's voice, confused to find himself wearing swimming trunks. Hallelujah throws him a water bottle and reminds him to stay hydrated as the sun is quite bright, before admitting the advice came from a surprisingly thoughtful Gaston. Said man arrives to question why Hallelujah finds his kindness odd then reveals he had gone out of his way to find the water. He asks to be thanked for his work, to which Hallelujah obliges, embarrassing the Samurai. An unfamiliar man then comes by to tease Gaston, revealed to be Navarre as a human.

Suddenly, Asahi runs up towards Nanashi, catching the guys off guard with her approach. She asks Nanashi about how her swimsuit looks, but Navarre compliments her instead. Creeped out by what looks to be a stranger commenting on her appearance, she hides behind Nanashi and asks who Navarre is, offending the man. Toki and Nozomi arrive afterwards, with the young girl shyly hiding behind the older woman, self-conscious about her appearance. Nozomi tries to encourage Toki to stop hiding and reassures her that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. However, Toki firmly remains hidden from view, leading to Nozomi stepping aside and pushing her forward. Toki attempts to hide once more by turning her body away, but gives up and instead asks Nanashi how she looks, just as Gaston and Navarre collapse from her cute appearance. Nozomi then turns to Nanashi and asks him which swimsuit he prefers the most from the girls, citing each of their charm points. Nanashi can either invoke Mephisto by speaking the exit phrase or choose between the three. The one chosen will invite him to swim with them.


Nanashi watches Asahi and Nozomi splash each other with water, with a stray splash from Asahi hitting Toki in the face. Asahi apologizes for the accidental hit, but Toki retaliates by tackling the other girl into the water. Mephisto appears and asks if Nanashi is having fun; here, Nanashi can say the exit phrase to leave or he can indulge the demon by affirming he is enjoying his time on the island. If he chooses the latter response, Mephisto will vanish, amused to hear Nanashi is having fun.

Watermelon Smashing

Nanashi finds himself blindfolded and holding what feels like a stick. He can hear the others cheering him on and directing him on where to move. Toki tells him to swing straight down and Nanashi can choose to comply or refuse by saying the exit phrase. If he complies, he smashes something hard on the ground, which is revealed to be a watermelon upon removing the blindfold. Everyone is happy to see the watermelon split. Mephisto visits Nanashi once more, asking the same question; again, Nanashi can either reply with the exit phrase or affirm his enjoyment. If he chooses the latter response, the demon will vanish again.

Beach Volleyball

Asahi calls out to Nanashi to pass a beach ball that lands by his feet, to which he can either pick it up, kick it into the air, or say the exit phrase to leave. Whether he kicks the ball or snags it, the ball floats towards the sea, causing Nanashi to go after it. All the while, Gaston and Navarre boast about performing well, but Hallelujah points out that neither of them have played volleyball before. Navarre is affronted by Hallelujah's dubious address of him, believing the younger boy to cower in the face of his majesty, but Toki interrupts him to quash his assumptions. Mephisto reappears and poses the same question to Nanashi; again, Nanashi can either reply with the exit phrase or affirm his enjoyment. If he chooses the latter response, the demon will vanish again.

Sea Cucumber

The party walks along a rocky portion of the beach, with Nanashi finding a crab on the ground. Nozomi mentions that its meat is supposedly tasty albeit hard to extract but Gaston is disgusted at the idea of eating it.

Asahi catches up to the rest of the group holding a dark green and squishy creature in her hand. Toki thinks the creature looks like Navarre while Hallelujah thinks it looks gross. Navarre feels insulted by both of their claims, although Hallelujah denies referring to him specifically but rather his green ghost form. Asahi, clueless to the jabs directed at Navarre, insists on the creature being cute and pokes it. Her prodding eventually causes the creature to expel a white substance and shrivel up. Hallelujah runs away from her for fear of the substance getting on him, but she chases after him whilst throwing aside the creature.

Nozomi picks up the creature's shrunken body, identifying it as a sea cucumber. She explains that Asahi triggered its defense mechanism, which involves spewing its guts to defend itself, grossing out Toki. She also notes it is considered another seafood delicacy, now grossing out Gaston.

Asahi and Hallelujah return to the group, as Asahi complains about the sea cucumber's guts on her. As Nanashi's friends run around and have fun, Mephisto reappears and poses the same question to Nanashi; again, Nanashi can either reply with the exit phrase or affirm his enjoyment. If he chooses the latter response, the demon will vanish again and Nanashi will reexperience the first scenario of waking up on the beach.

Fighting Mephisto

Once Nanashi utters "Stay, thou art so beautiful," Mephisto will end the contract, removing Nanashi from the figment of Hawaii and into a dark space. He states that no one can interfere him in his personalized space and prepares to collect his payment—Nanashi's soul—and attacks him. As the two battle, Mephisto mentions that Nanashi reminds him of someone he had previously made a contract with a while ago, but could not claim his payment due to the angels' intervention.

Nanashi eventually defeats Mephisto, but it is immediately revealed to be a ruse as the demon reappears. He taunts the boy, saying that everything is as he expected it to be and that happiness is always followed by emptiness. However, before Mephisto can speak further, Dagda invades the dark space to help out Nanashi. Mephisto is irritated by the intrusion and affronted by Dagda's casual address of him, comparing him to the angels who intervened previously. Unwilling to be stopped, Mephisto engages Nanashi in battle once more, hoping to keep the boy as a toy to play with for all eternity. However, he is defeated but swears that their contract is not over and he will remain by Nanashi's side until the boy finds his happiness.

After Mephisto's defeat and subsequent disappearance, Dagda is unimpressed by the demon's temptations, hoping Nanashi did not get too attached to the fantasies shown to him. He prompts Nanashi to get a move on so that he can indulge after everything is over.

Upon completion of this challenge quest, Mephisto is unlocked for fusion.



  1. "10/4" DLC - Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. Retrieved August 1, 2023. ATLUS.com.
  2. "As announced previously, sales of software and DLC for the Nintendo 3DS family and Wii U via Nintendo eShop will end at 5:00 PM Pacific Time on Monday, March 27, 2023." Nintendo Support: Wii U & Nintendo 3DS eShop Discontinuation. Retrieved July 14, 2023. Support.Nintendo.com.