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Matter, alternatively translated as Event or Phenomenon, is a concept and a Race of Demons Shin Megami Tensei V.
Matter is a term that is not clearly defined, but is largely associated with the cycle of world recreation, the Mandala System, and the entities that work on it's behalf.[1][2][3] Many of these beings are depicted as transcendent deities who rarely manifest themselves in the human world.[4][5][6]
List of Demons
Game Appearances
Names in Other Languages
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事象 Jishō |
- ↑ "ルシファー: 魔王であった私は、創造主を倒し その知恵を喰らって、 事象の存在へと至った そしてこの世界を理解したのだ 世界は繰り返す時が経てば また新たなダアトが現れ、 王座を追われる その時、その世界のナホピノが 貴様を倒して、王座を奪うのだ 果てることなく、 世界はその循環を 繰り返してきた それがこの宇宙を司る事象 『マンダラの法則」 だ 貴様はそこから抜け出したいとは思わぬか 事象からも自由でありたいと思わぬか 私は真の自由を探求してきた そして1つの結に至った 私を倒し知恵を喰らえ そうすればマンダラの法則から脱却ができる 私はそのために事象となっ" Translation: "Lucifer: As the Lord of Chaos, I defeated the Creator, consumed his Knowledge, and became more than He could possibly imagine. It was then I came to understand this world. Allow me to share what I'd learned. Following the world's recreation, a new Da'at will eventually appear, and soon after the gods will rise up to claim the throne. At which time, the Nahobino of that world will destroy you, and the throne will once again receive a new ruler. This endless cycle is the result of a spatial governing phenomenon known as the "Mandala System." Do you not wish to be free of such restrictions? Do you not wish to be free from Mandala's eternal machinations? Long have I searched for a way to truly be free. At last, I have found but one possibility. End me. Consume my Knowledge. And with it, wrest this world from the Mandala's endless eons. This is the reason for my transcendence." Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
- ↑ "マンセマット: ナホビノでありながら穢れし道を選んだ 悪しき霊たる者よ 我が主の意を解すると期待していましたが とんだ見当違いだったようです ……まったく、デキソコナイが オレの邪魔をするんじゃねえぞ! ナホビノらしく王座へ行けばよいものを 事象に逆らおうとは片腹痛い!" Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "ヨーコ: ティアマトよ! 事象に導かれし者たちを討て!" Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "悟劫: 事象の存在の多くは 現世の者に直接手は下さぬ だが、救いや教令として 事象の命を受け 顕現する悪魔もいる" Translation: "Goko: Most entities of the system do not make direct contact with those of the earthly realm. However, there are also demons that manifest to enact the will of the system." Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
- ↑ "悟劫: 拙僧らを守護してくださる御本尊…… かの御仏は、無上正覚の世界におられる 無上の者は 現世の者に直接手は下さぬ だが、救いや教令として 無上の世界より遣わされ 顕現する悪魔もいる" Translation: "Goko: Of the subjects of worship that grant us protection, the Buddha achieved supreme enlightenment in the higher plane. Such supreme beings do not make direct contact with those of the earthly realm. However, there are also demons that manifest from the elevated plane in order to spread faith or salvation." Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Heroの今までの行動により 事象が大きく変動した…… Heroのイメージが 事象に影響を与えるようだ…… どのような事象をイメージして向かいますか?" Translation: "Your deeds have catalyzed a great change in the phenomenon of transcendence... It appears your thoughts can influence the existence of an opposing transcended being to a certain extent..." Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
- ↑ "ヨーコ: 事象の女神である我が身も触媒として…… 深淵の底にある虚無を呼び覚まさん!" Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by Atlus.
- ↑ "Yoko: I offer up my body as a Goddess of Creation... I summon deepest void, the living abyss!" Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Developed by Atlus.