Abdiel is a character from John Milton's Paradise Lost who initially followed Satan's rebellion, however he questions the rebels, being the only angel that followed Satan Abdiel was that remained loyal to God. When sent to inform God that those that rebelled will rule, Abdiel instead set out to warn God. God welcomed Abdiel back and praises him for his loyalty.
Similar to Gabriel, Abdiel is reinterpreted as a female rather than the traditional characterization as a male. She appears as a woman with golden skin wearing a leotard made of gold, with her arms, legs, and collar armored in the same metal. The crucifix is a prominent aspect of her design, being seen in the small cross shaped tiara she wears and the golden sword we wields as her primary form of attacking. She has various tattoos on her arms, legs, and neck resembling cages as a symbol of her repentance for being tempted by Lucifer.[1] Her wings are less orderly than most other angels, having a closer resemblance to real bird wings, and the tips of her wings black unlike the uniform color of most other angels.
Her fallen design is largely the same as her Herald form, however her skin has turned a pale grey and all gold in her body has become pure black, and she no longer wields her sword. She has lost her angel wings and instead has a pair of demonic wing arms that she wraps around her body, and has a pointed tail. Her human head has split down the middle which she wears like a collar, and a new demonic horned head has taken its place.
Her Nahobino form appears similar to a centaur several times the size of a human. Her lower body resembles a bull with golden hooves and covered in crimson armor with various patterns on it and a long tail with blond hair resembling flames. Her upper body is a humanoid body from the torso up, but is far more demonic with exaggerated proportions, namely her arms, fingers, and chest, which is similarly covered in red armor. Her head has her face from the nose up covered in a golden mask that continue onto a pair of long straight horns on either side of her head, and she has three other horns, a large one extending from the left side of her forehead and a pair at her cheeks resembling tusks. Her lower face is lipless, with her yellow teeth forming a skeletal smile, and the back of her head is covered in messy long blond hair. Her eyes are naturally red, however they flash gold prior to battle. In addition, she has two detached limbs that rest on her back, the Depraved Wing and Depraved Arm. The wing is on her right and is batlike and red with a small hand coming out of it, and the the arm is a spiked red forearm and clawed hand. As they are detached they move independently from Abdiel and float when not in use.