Devil Child

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Devil Children, sometimes abbreviated as DeviChil, are the titular race of half-human half-Demon hybrids in the Devil Children series. In the localization of Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book, they are known as DemiKids.


Devil Children possesses the powers of both humans and Demons. A human becomes a Devil Child if they inherit the DeviGenome (デビゲノム DebiGenomu) from a Demon parent, have Demon powers bestowed unto them, or are reincarnated from a Demon. Devil Children are able to enter the realm of Makai, and can summon Demons they have negotiated with by way of a Deviliser. They are also assigned a special Demon partner carrying an identical DeviGenome structure, who will always accompany them and can evolve into stronger forms. When a Devil Child's power awakens, their eyes glow and a pentagram shines on their forehead.

List of Devil Children

Game Appearances

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Anime Appearances

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Manga Appearances

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese デビルチルドレン Debiru Chirudoren Devil Children