Plot:SMT: Liberation Dx2

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link=Category: This article covers a complete plot summary.
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Reason: complete plot needs finishing

This is an incomplete summary of the plot of Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Be aware of spoilers ahead. Due to the nature of the game, the main story's plot is unfinished, and this page will be updated with subsequent development of the main story.

Season 1

Chapter 1

The player is walking around Akihabara, and decides to download the Dx2 app. After a short introduction, in which the player is trained to become a Devil Downloader (Dx2) by Einherjar, they are then directed to a building in Akihabara, the Liberators's hideout. They are greeted by popular 'Mega-tuber' Taro Fuse, known as Megakin, and introduces the Liberators and the Acolytes, the two main factions of Dx2 users. They are instructed to investigate a series of disappearances with another Liberator known as Templar Dragon, Rika Ryuzouji.

The player character, now known as Newbie, and Rika walk around Akihabara, being attacked by Acolyte Assassins who summon demons to try and kill the group. Rika tells Newbie that the Acolytes target people with high empathy quotients, and that the Acolytes worship something called Vanitas. After some time investigating and fighting off demons, Megakin calls the two to let them know that one of his followers has information on the disappearances. They meet the follower, a girl who is being targeted by assassins after creating a video and posting it online. Megakin calls another Liberator, Shiang Sun, to analyze the video, and the group discovers that the girl had filmed a moment of kidnapping by a TV crew in the background. The TV crew and Homunculi then attack the group, which are faceless humans created by the Acolytes as a source of easy manpower. Rika calls for backup as her and the Newbie fight off the Homunculi, however the girl is kidnapped by the culprit, TV host Shimono.

Another Liberator, Rinin Ueda, also known as Eileen, arrives as Rika's backup, and secures the TV crew as Newbie and Rika go to rescue the girl. They confront Shimono, who explains that human malice gains TV ratings, and that with the Acolytes he has the power to stay ahead of the competition. He also mentions that Vanitas will change everything, and that its algorithm will cause the collapse of the world. Newbie and Rika then fight Shimono's demons and win. Defeated, Shimono declares that the algorithm is perfect, but Rika responds that the Liberators are the uncertainty that finds fault within the algorithm.

Newbie and Rika return to the Akihabara hideout, and Megakin congratulates the both of them, commenting on how symbolic the case is in regard to how social media is overtaking mass media. He then welcomes Newbie to the Tokyo Liberators.

The chapter ends with Jabo Kakuryu and Joshua Hawk talking upon a rooftop, and Joshua noting that he needs to find a way to deal with the Liberators.

Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6

Akihabara hideout

Chapter 7


Chapter 7 Alternate End


Season 2

Chapter 8


Chapter 9
