Yatagarasu (Group)

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Yatagarasu is a supranationalist organization in the Devil Summoner series that has supported Japan across millennia.[1]


Yatagarasu's involvement with the country of Japan began with its founding in 660 B.C., when they guided Emperor Jimmu to the Yamato province as described in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. Yatagarasu continues to protect and maintain public order in Japan to this day by coordinating with local Devil Summoner organizations.[2] Most notably, the Kuzunoha Clan, whom the Yatagarasu have an informal alliance with.[1] The Yatagarasu have a large amount of faith in the Kuzunoha, and have entrusted them with protecting the capital city, Tokyo.[3]

In Soul Hackers 2, Yatagarasu is a large organization that internally employs devil summoners and scientists.

List of Members

Devil Summoners

Game Appearances

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon

Soul Hackers 2

Audio Drama Appearances

Novel Appearances

Manga Appearances



Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ヤタガラス Yatagarasu Yatagarasu




  1. 1.0 1.1 "Yatagarasu A supranationalist group in Japan that has been working behind the scenes to protect the nation from supernatural threats since ancient times. Many of its members are Devil Summoners, and they have an informal alliance with the Kuzunoha clan, a prestigious family of powerful Summoners." Soul Hackers 2 (PS4). Developed by Atlus.
  2. "神武天皇の国づくり神話に名を残すほどの超國家機関ヤタガラス。国づくりには土地を治めることと人を安定させることが必須となる。古来、嵐や雷、洪水や地震などの自然現象は神が為すもの、人心を乱すことは悪魔が為すものとされてきた。これら、神や悪魔を使役するものがデビルサマナーである。そのため、ヤタガラスにとってデビルサマナーは、なくてはならない存在である。" Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidō tai Chōriki Hei-dan Chō Kōshiki Fanbook (2006), Kazuo Ezaki. Published by Koichi Hamamura. Japanese. p. 42. ISBN-13: 978-4-7577-2847-9.
  3. "日本に数多存在するデビルサマナー組織の中で、 帝都守護を任ずる葛葉に対するヤタガラスの信頼は大きい。" Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidō tai Chōriki Hei-dan Chō Kōshiki Fanbook (2006), Kazuo Ezaki. Published by Koichi Hamamura. Japanese. p. 42. ISBN-13: 978-4-7577-2847-9.