User:Messiah Abel

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Hello and welcome to my Megami Tensei Wiki User Page!

I'm currently in the process of building my user page to my liking, so pardon the barren wasteland; however, if I feel that the information is still adequate, the current layout may remain the same.

A Short Introduction

My name is Nikki, and here are three facts about me:

  • I became a Megami Tensei fan in 2016 with my first playthrough of Persona 4 for the PlayStation 2.
  • Whenever I'm not playing games or doing assignments, I'm writing stories, though these works are never published.
  • My favorite Megami Tensei games are Devil Survivor Overclocked and Tokyo Mirage Sessions

What I Plan on Doing as a Member of this Wiki

  • As I'm currently too swamped with College matters, I unfortunately don't have the time to create and maintain detailed Wiki articles, but I do intend on being a sort of spelling/grammar checker for the Wiki, mostly just catching small typographical errors and maybe rewording sentences if they seem poorly worded.
  • On occasion, I may make contributions bigger than spell-checking, such as creating short summaries, but beyond that, you likely won't ever see anything huge from me.

Contact Information

Note: I created this page after staying up really late the night before, so pardon any typos that you may see, I was extremely tired at the time of creation.