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two drunk guys loudly talking at a park at night

Tsuyoshi treating his friend to dinner

recently broke, suddenly inherited mother is gone no relatives father has interheritance, gave to brother, brother died so he's rich as they're walking a dark spaces appears before Tsuyoshi and he's sucked in

tsuyusohi wants to keep partying, and head to a hostess bar

woman overhearing, she doesn't believe Tsuyoshi, jumps into the portal woman hiding in thge grass following. she jumps out and panicks wondering where Tsuyoshi went, and quickly jumps into the shrinking portal even though she doesn't understand what's happening

Tsuyohi's friend is left

Tsuyoshi is warped to a location he doesn't recognize he wakes up near someone who was also tossed in there he recognizes that person as a wanted criminal for serial theft and murder the guy panicks after realizing Tsuyoshi recognizes him, but is interuppted by the voices of demons surrodning them the demons groan in pain as they murder the criminal and gather around Tsuyoshi

Tsuyoshi screams for his life and is saved by Osiris in the nick of time Tsuyoshi runs away

Osiris doesn't know what's happening, the dead are outside the underworld or where he is or why humans are there he is immeadiatly attacked from behind by Seth, shredding his body into pieces but not killing him Osiris asks why Seth introduces himself and says "you still refuse to die" then notices a presence off to the distance. He calls it a nuisance and says he will make good use of it, take advantage of it and murder everyone who gets in his way