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{{Stub|series=SMT|reason=Inclusion of info and more examples in different games desired. Confirm that this event isn't referenced in ''[[Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation]]''}}{{Image|reason=Screenshot of event wanted}}{{For|the apocalyptic event in {{Link|Game|SMT4}} and {{Link|Game|SMT4A}}|[[God's Plan]]}}
{{Stub|series=SMT|reason=Inclusion of info and more examples in different games desired. Confirm that this event isn't referenced in ''[[Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation]]''}}{{Image|reason=Screenshot of event wanted}}{{For|the apocalyptic event in {{Link|Game|SMT4}} and {{Link|Game|SMT4A}}|[[God's Plan]]}}
[[File:SMT1 MCD Great Cataclysm 1 Screenshot.png|thumb|350px|Screenshot of the ICBMs exploding over Tokyo during the Great Cataclysm from the Mega-CD version of {{Link|Game|SMT1}}]]
[[File:SMT1 MCD Great Cataclysm 1 Screenshot.png|thumb|350px|Screenshot of the ICBMs exploding over Tokyo during the Great Cataclysm from the Mega-CD version of {{Link|Game|SMT1}}]]
The '''Great Cataclysm''' is a recurring apocalyptic event in the [[Megami Tensei (Franchise)|Megami Tensei franchise]], which takes place in {{Link|Game|MT2}} and {{Link|Game|SMT1}}. In the {{Link|Series|SMT-}}, "Great Cataclysm" can refer to either when the city of Tokyo was barraged by ICBMs in [[Tokyo 199X (Shin Megami Tensei)|199X]]<ref name=SMT1Messian>{{Cite Game|quote=Messian: ...It is our duty to live on, holding our faith in God in our hearts. 30 years ago, this world was shattered by the great Cataclysm.|title=Shin Megami Tensei|developer=|publisher=|platform=iOS|version=|lang=|transl=}}</ref><ref name=SMT2timeline>{{Cite Book|quote=199X 「東京大破壊」トールマンがICBMのボタンを押す。 203X 「東京大洪水」大規模な地殻変動により東京近郊が陥没、浸水|des=|chapter=|book={{Link|Game|SMT2}} Manual|publyear=1994|author=|publisher=Atlus|lang=Japanese|volume=|edition=|page=5|transl=|isbn=}}</ref>, or collectively to the ICBM launch and the [[Great Flood]] of Tokyo in [[Tokyo 203X (Shin Megami Tensei)|203X]].<ref name=SMTIflood>{{Cite Web|quote=I.C.B.M投下と大洪水の2つの災いは合わせて「大破壊」と呼ばれることとなる。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>  
The '''Great Cataclysm''' is a recurring apocalyptic event in the [[Megami Tensei (Franchise)|Megami Tensei franchise]], which takes place in {{Link|Game|MT2}} and {{Link|Game|SMT1}}. In the {{Link|Series|SMT-}}, "Great Cataclysm" can refer to either when the city of Tokyo was barraged by ICBMs{{Note|ICBM is an abbreviation of intercontinental ballistic missile}} in the year [[Tokyo 199X (Shin Megami Tensei)|199X]]<ref name=SMT1Messian>{{Cite Game|quote=Messian: ...It is our duty to live on, holding our faith in God in our hearts. 30 years ago, this world was shattered by the great Cataclysm.|title=Shin Megami Tensei|developer=|publisher=|platform=iOS|version=|lang=|transl=}}</ref><ref name=SMT2timeline>{{Cite Book|quote=199X 「東京大破壊」トールマンがICBMのボタンを押す。 203X 「東京大洪水」大規模な地殻変動により東京近郊が陥没、浸水|des=|chapter=|book={{Link|Game|SMT2}} Manual|publyear=1994|author=|publisher=Atlus|lang=Japanese|volume=|edition=|page=5|transl=|isbn=}}</ref>, or collectively to the ICBM launch and the [[Great Flood]] of Tokyo in [[Tokyo 203X (Shin Megami Tensei)|203X]].<ref name=SMTIflood>{{Cite Web|quote=I.C.B.M投下と大洪水の2つの災いは合わせて「大破壊」と呼ばれることとなる。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>  

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After experiencing the Great Cataclysm, the citizens of [[Tokyo (Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine)|Tokyo]] were determined to rebuild the city and came together to create a communal society defined by cooperation beyond any ideological boundaries. During this period, the [[Messian Church]] and the [[Ring of Gaea]] reached a non-aggression pact. Though the communal society was originally founded through the leadership of the [[Seven Wise Men]], after the society was established, the group disbanded and relinquished their authority to General [[Furushima]], who would go on to create the [[Devil Buster Management Agency]].<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=大破壊を経験した人々は、破滅的な状況からの復活と、悪魔からの防衛を目的に、宗教や思想の枠を越えた人間達の調和と協調を呼びかけ、共同体社会を作り出す。この共同体社会は「7人の賢者」によって樹立された。ちなみにこの賢者の中にはメシア教団大司教「勤勉なるユダ」、ガイア教団大僧正「剛毅なる道灌」も名を連ねている。2つの教団は共同体社会の体制の下、不可侵協定を結んでいる。現在、共同体社会は7人の賢者の手から離れ、初代総帥である「古島」に全権がゆだねられている。「デビルバスター管理機関」は古島総帥によって設立されたものである。7人の賢者は共同体設立を期に解散している。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>  
After experiencing these tragic events, the citizens of [[Tokyo (Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine)|Tokyo]] were determined to rebuild the city and came together to create a communal society defined by cooperation beyond any ideological boundaries. During this period, the [[Messian Church]] and the [[Ring of Gaea]] reached a non-aggression pact. Though the communal society was originally founded through the leadership of the [[Seven Wise Men]], after the society was established, the group disbanded and relinquished their authority to General [[Furushima]], who would go on to create the [[Devil Buster Management Agency]].<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=大破壊を経験した人々は、破滅的な状況からの復活と、悪魔からの防衛を目的に、宗教や思想の枠を越えた人間達の調和と協調を呼びかけ、共同体社会を作り出す。この共同体社会は「7人の賢者」によって樹立された。ちなみにこの賢者の中にはメシア教団大司教「勤勉なるユダ」、ガイア教団大僧正「剛毅なる道灌」も名を連ねている。2つの教団は共同体社会の体制の下、不可侵協定を結んでいる。現在、共同体社会は7人の賢者の手から離れ、初代総帥である「古島」に全権がゆだねられている。「デビルバスター管理機関」は古島総帥によって設立されたものである。7人の賢者は共同体設立を期に解散している。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>  
In order to support the daily lives of the survivors, the communal society established the Tokyo Revitalization Project to rebuild Tokyo's infrastructure.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=共同体社会の「東京再生プロジェクト」によって配置されたターミナルコンピューターが設置されていて、人々の生活をサポートしている。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref> A shining example of this project is the [[Shinjuku Babel]], an enormous building, reaching 3000 meters tall, and contains a multitude of different facilities including offices and residences. It is the most prosperous area in Tokyo after the Great Cataclysm.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=大破壊後の新宿の地に、天を貫くかのようにそびえ立つ“新宿バベル”は、かつて七人の賢者によって進められていた“東京再生プロジェクト”の象徴とも言える建造物だ。その規模は半径400 メートル、高さ3000 メートルに至り、内部には行政をはじめ住居や各種施設が存在する。外装は既に完成済み。内部は未完成の状態ではあるが、一部の区画には人々が入居しており、大破壊後の東京において、最も活気のある都市として栄えている。|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref> However, many of the citizens who lost their housing in the destruction were forced to build underground nuclear shelters called "Homes" to stay safe and avoid the demons on the surface. Over time, these Homes thrived to the point where they became urban centers comparable to the cities of the past.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=“東京大破壊”によって住む場所を失い、悪魔の襲撃に怯える日々を余儀なくされた人々は、東京の各地に地下核シェルターを築いた。多くの人々が暮らすシェルターは“ホーム”と呼ばれ、地上からは失われた都市的な機能を持つまでに栄えた。悪魔召喚プログラムを手に入れ、デビルバスターとなるプレイヤーは、スギナミの“第三ホーム”から、“空白の時代”への第一歩を踏み出すこととなる。|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>
With Tokyo reduced to a wasteland, the civilians who lost their housing in the Great Cataclysm were forced to build underground nuclear shelters called "Homes" to avoid the demons on the surface. Over time, these Homes thrived to the point where they became urban centers comparable to the cities of the past.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=“東京大破壊”によって住む場所を失い、悪魔の襲撃に怯える日々を余儀なくされた人々は、東京の各地に地下核シェルターを築いた。多くの人々が暮らすシェルターは“ホーム”と呼ばれ、地上からは失われた都市的な機能を持つまでに栄えた。悪魔召喚プログラムを手に入れ、デビルバスターとなるプレイヤーは、スギナミの“第三ホーム”から、“空白の時代”への第一歩を踏み出すこととなる。|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref> In order to support the daily lives of the survivors, the communal society established the Tokyo Revitalization Project to rebuild the city's infrastructure. This includes renovations, including installing [[Terminal]] systems in Home shelters<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=共同体社会の「東京再生プロジェクト」によって配置されたターミナルコンピューターが設置されていて、人々の生活をサポートしている。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>, and large-scale construction. The symbol of the Tokyo Revitalization Project is the [[Shinjuku Babel]], an enormous building with a height of 3000 meters, which is the most prosperous area in post-Great Cataclysm Tokyo. The complex contains a wide variety of facilities including offices and residences<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=大破壊後の新宿の地に、天を貫くかのようにそびえ立つ“新宿バベル”は、かつて七人の賢者によって進められていた“東京再生プロジェクト”の象徴とも言える建造物だ。その規模は半径400 メートル、高さ3000 メートルに至り、内部には行政をはじめ住居や各種施設が存在する。外装は既に完成済み。内部は未完成の状態ではあるが、一部の区画には人々が入居しており、大破壊後の東京において、最も活気のある都市として栄えている。|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>, including a plant for bio-engineering artificial humans called [[Innocent]]s. This technology was developed to respond to the large demand for labor required to rebuild the demolished city. Unlike humans, Innocents are androids an obedient workforce that can be easily manufactured and controlled by the community society.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=人造人間:イノセント 東京大破壊後、壊滅的な状況からの復興を目指す人々にとって、労働力の確保は重大な課題として重くのし掛かった。その問題を解決するための手段として生まれたのが“イノセント”である。イノセントは、“七人の賢者”の一人にして生体科学者の“叡智の久坂”によって作り出された“人造人間”である。イノセントは新宿バベル内部の“イノセントプラント”で製造されており、共同体社会の管理・統制の下、従順な労働力として東京の再生に貢献している。|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>  

The Great Cataclysm also drastically effected the landscape of Tokyo. Three mysterious obelisks have suddenly appeared in the districts of Nakano, Ichigaya, and Shibuya. There are constant demon sightings in the vicinity of these pillars and the energy emitted by them has drastically altered the surrounding environment, but it is unknown why they were built or what purpose they were intended to serve.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=“東京大破壊後”の東京に突如現れた謎の3本の柱“オベリスク”は、いつ誰が、何を目的に建てられたのかは明らかではない。ナカノ、イチガヤ、シブヤの三ヵ所それぞれに種類の異なるオベリスクが建っており、オベリスクの発する力によって、周囲の環境と地殻は大きく変化している。オベリスクの周辺で悪魔を目撃したという報告は後を絶たない……|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>
The Great Cataclysm also drastically effected the landscape of Tokyo. Three mysterious obelisks have suddenly appeared in the districts of Nakano, Ichigaya, and Shibuya. It is unknown why they were built or what purpose they were intended to serve.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=“東京大破壊後”の東京に突如現れた謎の3本の柱“オベリスク”は、いつ誰が、何を目的に建てられたのかは明らかではない。ナカノ、イチガヤ、シブヤの三ヵ所それぞれに種類の異なるオベリスクが建っており、オベリスクの発する力によって、周囲の環境と地殻は大きく変化している。オベリスクの周辺で悪魔を目撃したという報告は後を絶たない……|author=|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=August 11, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>

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*In ''Shin Megami Tensei II'', [[Satan]] references the Great Cataclysm in comparison to the [[Megiddo Ark]], saying that it is capable of a "true Great Cataclysm" that will annihilate all evil.<ref>{{Cite Game|quote=方舟には もう1つ役目がある 再生のために行う 真の大破壊 ……イレースだ それは 強力なエネルギー光 メギド・アークを 地上にあびせ 全ての悪しき物を消滅させる|translquote=|title=Shin Megami Tensei II|developer=ATLUS|publisher=|platform=SFC|version=|lang=|transl=}}</ref>
*In ''Shin Megami Tensei II'', [[Satan]] references the Great Cataclysm in comparison to the [[Megiddo Ark]], saying that it is capable of a "true Great Cataclysm" that will annihilate all evil.<ref>{{Cite Game|quote=方舟には もう1つ役目がある 再生のために行う 真の大破壊 ……イレースだ それは 強力なエネルギー光 メギド・アークを 地上にあびせ 全ての悪しき物を消滅させる|translquote=|title=Shin Megami Tensei II|developer=ATLUS|publisher=|platform=SFC|version=|lang=|transl=}}</ref>
*In {{Link|Game|SMTI}}, "Great Cataclysm" collectively refers to the ICBM launch and the [[Great Flood]]<ref name=SMTIflood></ref>  
*In {{Link|Game|SMTI}}, "Great Cataclysm" collectively refers to the ICBM launch and the [[Great Flood]]<ref name=SMTIflood></ref>  
*In {{Link|Game|SMTI}}, Ichigaya is stated as being the epicenter of the ICBM explosion.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=イチガヤのオベリスク 東京大破壊の引き金となったI.C.B.M.の爆心地周辺。地表にはマグマが噴き出し、危険なエリアと化している。|author=Tetsuya Katsuta|url=[ 4Gamer]|archive=|published=September 22, 2006|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref> This is a reference to [[Gotou]]'s headquarters, [[Camp Ichigaya (Shin Megami Tensei)|Camp Ichigaya]]
*The ICBM site located in Arizona<ref name=Arizona></ref> mentioned in {{Link|Game|DeSum}} may be a reference to the real life location {{wp|Titan Missle Museum|Air Force Facility Missile Site 8}}, a former ICBM site active during the height of the Cold War. This site was previously equipped with the largest single warhead used in the American ICBM program and was capable of launching a nine megaton thermonuclear warhead within 58 seconds which could reach a target over 6000 miles away in less than 30 minutes. The site was made in response to public fears of the United States' nuclear capabilities in comparison to the Soviet Union.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=Air Force Facility Missile Site 8 (571-7) Military Reservation in Green Valley, Arizona, is the sole remaining Titan II Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) complex of the 54 that were "on alert" during the Cold War between 1963 and 1987. The Titan II missiles were contructed to survive a first strike nuclear attack from the Soviet Union and to retaliate. It is the single remaining example of the liquid-fueled ICBM missile launch facilities utilized by the Strategic Air Command. Titan II carried the largest single warhead used in the ICBM program and was capable of destroying targets that Atlas, Titan I and Minuteman I and II could not. Built in response to the "missile gap" panic of the late 1950s and early 1960s, Titan II Missile Site 571-7 provides a unique window into the design, construction and operation of a weapon system built to survive a first-strike nuclear attack and be able to launch its missile if so ordered.|author=Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms|url=[ National Park Service]|archive=|published=November 26, 2017|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite Web|quote=The Titan II was capable of launching from its underground silo in 58 seconds and could deliver a nine megaton thermonuclear warhead to its target more than 6,000 miles (approximately 10,000 km) away in less than thirty minutes.|author=|url=[ Titan Missile Museum]|archive=|published=|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>
*The ICBM site located in Arizona<ref name=Arizona></ref> mentioned in {{Link|Game|DeSum}} may be a reference to the real life location {{wp|Titan Missle Museum|Air Force Facility Missile Site 8}}, a former ICBM site active during the height of the Cold War. This site was previously equipped with the largest single warhead used in the American ICBM program and was capable of launching a nine megaton thermonuclear warhead within 58 seconds which could reach a target over 6000 miles away in less than 30 minutes. The site was made in response to public fears of the United States' nuclear capabilities in comparison to the Soviet Union.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote=Air Force Facility Missile Site 8 (571-7) Military Reservation in Green Valley, Arizona, is the sole remaining Titan II Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) complex of the 54 that were "on alert" during the Cold War between 1963 and 1987. The Titan II missiles were contructed to survive a first strike nuclear attack from the Soviet Union and to retaliate. It is the single remaining example of the liquid-fueled ICBM missile launch facilities utilized by the Strategic Air Command. Titan II carried the largest single warhead used in the ICBM program and was capable of destroying targets that Atlas, Titan I and Minuteman I and II could not. Built in response to the "missile gap" panic of the late 1950s and early 1960s, Titan II Missile Site 571-7 provides a unique window into the design, construction and operation of a weapon system built to survive a first-strike nuclear attack and be able to launch its missile if so ordered.|author=Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms|url=[ National Park Service]|archive=|published=November 26, 2017|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite Web|quote=The Titan II was capable of launching from its underground silo in 58 seconds and could deliver a nine megaton thermonuclear warhead to its target more than 6,000 miles (approximately 10,000 km) away in less than thirty minutes.|author=|url=[ Titan Missile Museum]|archive=|published=|retrieved=February 15, 2024|site=|type=}}</ref>
*In {{Link|Game|DSRK1}}, a lost soul tells [[Raidou Kuzunoha XIV]] that he has 30 seconds to take cover for the incoming ICBMs as a reference to {{Link|Game|SMT1}} when the [[Hero (Shin Megami Tensei)|Hero]] is placed on a 30 second timer after [[Thorman]] launches the ICBMs.<ref name=Raidou></ref>
*In {{Link|Game|DSRK1}}, a lost soul tells [[Raidou Kuzunoha XIV]] that he has 30 seconds to take cover for the incoming ICBMs as a reference to {{Link|Game|SMT1}} when the [[Hero (Shin Megami Tensei)|Hero]] is placed on a 30 second timer after [[Thorman]] launches the ICBMs.<ref name=Raidou></ref>

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