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In ''Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse'', Krishna possesses a human-like<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=僕の中では、神や悪魔よりも“人間”寄りにデザインしたのがクリシュナです。|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref> appearance, having brown skin, short blue hair, and light gray eyes. On his forehead is a bindi{{Note|A [[wikipedia:Bindi (decoration)|bindi]] is typically a red dot or sticker applied to the forehead with various religious implications. Although usually associated with Indian culture, the practice is widespread on the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.}}, though it is partially obscured by his feathered hat. In addition to the hat, he wears a western-styled<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=彼が本作で洋装をまとっているのも、現代の人々の心をつかまんとする意図があり...|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref> outfit: a turquoise blazer embellished with circles near the sleeves and beneath the lapels, an orange dress shirt with its undone collar giving way to a darker cravat, and brown shorts paired with knee-high boots. He holds a golden flute decorated with a red tassel and blue jewel in his hands.
In ''Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse'', Krishna possesses a human-like<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=僕の中では、神や悪魔よりも“人間”寄りにデザインしたのがクリシュナです。|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref> appearance, having brown skin, short blue hair, and light gray eyes. On his forehead is a bindi,{{Note|A [[wikipedia:Bindi (decoration)|bindi]] is typically a red dot or sticker applied to the forehead with various religious implications. Although usually associated with Indian culture, the practice is widespread on the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.}} though it is partially obscured by his feathered hat. In addition to the hat, he wears a western-styled<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=彼が本作で洋装をまとっているのも、現代の人々の心をつかまんとする意図があり...|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref> outfit: a turquoise blazer embellished with circles near the sleeves and beneath the lapels, an orange dress shirt with its undone collar giving way to a darker cravat, and brown shorts paired with knee-high boots. He holds a golden flute decorated with a red tassel and blue jewel in his hands.

The decision to lean into the human appearance was done to reflect Krishna's motivations, making him someone who appears to meet humanity halfway instead of being an all-powerful god.<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=なぜなら、彼は人間に対して“救済”を訴える立場であり、神々しいよりも、人に歩み寄った姿をしているほうが、目的からして好都合だろうと思えたんですね。|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref> This extends to his voice direction, as he lacks the typical distortion done to the voices of gods and demons.<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=サウンドの面でも、ほかの神や悪魔のボイスには人間離れした感じのエフェクトを乗せていますが、クリシュナだけは、人間らしくも力強い声をそのままにしています。|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref>
The decision to lean into the human appearance was done to reflect Krishna's motives, making him someone who appears to meet humanity halfway instead of being an all-powerful god.<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=なぜなら、彼は人間に対して“救済”を訴える立場であり、神々しいよりも、人に歩み寄った姿をしているほうが、目的からして好都合だろうと思えたんですね。|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref> This extends to his voice direction, as he lacks the typical distortion applied to the voices of gods and demons.<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=サウンドの面でも、ほかの神や悪魔のボイスには人間離れした感じのエフェクトを乗せていますが、クリシュナだけは、人間らしくも力強い声をそのままにしています。|translquote=|publ=|url=[]|archive=|published=April 13, 2016|retrieved=February 1, 2024|site=Famitsu|type=}}</ref>
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<!--{Initially sealed within the circular Ark that lies in the depths of [[Kanda-no-yashiro]], Krishna is freed by [[Nanashi]] after he and [[Asahi]] are manipulated by [[Odin]] to do so. He thanks the boy for releasing him then calls upon the members of the [[Divine Powers]] to convene, claiming that the time for salvation is soon. He leaves with Odin to look for [[Flynn]] whilst bidding [[Dagda]] farewell, leaving the two kids to rush to [[Ginza]] to stop him.
However, Krishna—now flanked by an entourage of demons—manages to approach Flynn first, interrupting the [[Samurai|samurai]]'s attempt to summon [[Masakado]]. He introduces himself to Flynn, distinguishing the Divine Powers as separate from the causes of [[Merkabah]] and [[Lucifer]] and posturing its goal of salvation as favorable to humanity. When [[Isabeau]] asks if Krishna truly is the spokesperson for those not aligned with either figure, he coyly reassures her that it is true. He then elaborates further on his reasoning behind his goal: the current universe is ruled by a [[YHVH|creator]] that has trapped humanity} -->



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