Preta: Difference between revisions

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3,115 bytes added ,  2 November 2023
Added history of Preta's game appearance in SMT V. Can you also mention him as level 99 mini-boss along with other low-leveled demons, mods?
(Added history of Preta's game appearance in SMT V. Can you also mention him as level 99 mini-boss along with other low-leveled demons, mods?)
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==Game Appearances==
==Game Appearances==
===Shin Megami Tensei V===
Preta can be encounter in the [[Netherworld]] of Da'at: Minato.
====Main Quest====
At the streets of Tamachi, the protagonist [[Nahobino]] discovers a fairy-like demon named [[Amanozako]] who is being threatened by three Pretas. As Nahobino getting closer to rescue her, the Pretas noticing his approach as one of them ask who he is; the protagonist didn't respond while Amanozako hides behind the rocks spectating.
One of the three Pretas believes that Nahobino is about to take the "food" away from them due to their starvation. They eventually run towards to the protagonist for an attack as they desperately want to slap him on their "menu".
Nahobino then defeats them and saves Amanozako.
====A Preta Predicament====
Inside the cave of the northeast of Tamachi, Nahobino discovers a group of starving Pretas who complains about their hunger. He then asks the Preta Leader about the situation. The Leader responds that he and the Pretas don't have any food, expecting his wanderers to scavenger it but never come back. He then wants Nahobino to search the wandering Pretas and demands them to "get their butts" to back the cave with food. Nahobino agrees and sets out to find them.
Later at a street of Mita, Nahobino found a wandering Preta who is scavenging underneath the trees. He replies to Nahobino that refuse to go back to the cave because he's nervous of what will happen if he returns home without any food. The protagonist later went back to the cave in Tamachi to report the Preta Leader about the unfortunate luck. The Leader then asks him to search another wandering Preta, believes that he's located at Shiba.
Nahobino later made it to the interior cave of the east side of Shiba. He discovers a wandering Preta who is worshipping [[Apsaras]] along with his own kind, [[Cait Sith|Cait Siths]] and [[Kodama|Kodamas]]. A worshipping Preta replied that he got the food but refuses to go back to the cave as he's too occupied. He instead gave Nahobino the food to deliver called "Sake and Dango Medley".
Nahobino later made it back to the cave of Tamachi and gave the Sake and Dango Medley to the Preta Leader. The Leader is very excited for Nahobino bringing food to the Pretas and gathers the group around the campfire for a feast. However, the feast didn't last long as the hungry demons ate the entire food and left them very unsatisfied. They then ask Nahobino if he has anything more to give them; the protagonist refused. The group have no choice but to attack him.
After the fight, Nahobino defeats the Pretas. They apologize to Nahobino for their behavior and gives him a Haunt Talisman item.
====Apsaras Subquest====
If Nahobino sides with [[Leanan Sidhe]] and defeats her, a Preta will continue to worship Apsaras even if she gone.
If Nahobino side with Apsaras, a Preta will normally worship her as usual.
A Preta is standing behind the Tokyo Diet Building in Nagatacho. There, he heard rumors that the "old meeting place" where "big important humans" gather a long time one. He is fascinated over the fanciness of the building.



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