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*Inanna inspired the character [[Inaruna]] in {{link|game|desum}}.<ref>{{Cite Web|quote='''KK:''' I really got into Sumerian culture while working on this, and found out that their mythology has a planet with an elliptic orbit outside the solar system, number twelve or so. It’s really popular among occultists and it is said monsters hail from there. Inaruna, who shows up in the final part of Devil Summoner, was inspired by the Sumerian goddess Inanna. There are many mother goddesses all over the world, like Ishtar or Kali, but Inanna feels like the mother of them all. They all differ from region to region though, and it seems Inanna became Ishtar at some point too. It almost feels like Sumer is the origin of God, so I paid special attention to that aspect.|author=Kazuma Kaneko (translated by dijeh)|site=Tumblr|url=[ Kaneko Kazuma 1996 Interview (Sega Saturn Magazine, Vol. 8, 1996)]|published=August 26, 2018|retrieved=January 10, 2024}}</ref>
*Inanna inspired the character [[Inaruna]] in {{link|game|desum}}.<ref>{{Cite Interview|quote=金子■今回これをやってる時にシュメールとかに凝ってまして、シュメールの神話とかに第10何番っていう、巨大な太陽系の外側に楕円軌道をもってる惑星があるらしいんですよ。オカルティストの間では流行りでして、それからモンスターを持ってきました。イナルナっていうのも「デビルサマナー」の最後に出てくるんですけど、あれもイナンナっていうシュメールの神様からとってきています。世界中の地母神で、イシュタルとかカーリーとかもいますけど、そういった世界中の地母神の元みたいなんですよね。それが各地方に分派していって、イナンナがイシュタルになっていってというような流れがあるみたいです。そういうような意味からすると、本当は神様の起源みたいなのがシュメールなのかなっていうのはあったんで、こだわっていたんですね。|translquote='''KK:''' I really got into Sumerian culture while working on this, and found out that their mythology has a planet with an elliptic orbit outside the solar system, number twelve or so. It’s really popular among occultists and it is said monsters hail from there. Inaruna, who shows up in the final part of Devil Summoner, was inspired by the Sumerian goddess Inanna. There are many mother goddesses all over the world, like Ishtar or Kali, but Inanna feels like the mother of them all. They all differ from region to region though, and it seems Inanna became Ishtar at some point too. It almost feels like Sumer is the origin of God, so I paid special attention to that aspect.|publ=Sega Saturn Magazine|publisher=SoftBank|published=April 26, 1996 (cover date May 24, 1996)|page=p. 145|site=Translation by [ dijeh]}}</ref>


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