Shin Megami Tensei The Roleplaying Game: Tokyo Conception is the fifth edition of the Shin Megami Tensei TRPG series, based on the 2003 role-playing video game Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. It was originally published in Japan by Jive and released on September 1, 2004, followed by a number of supplementary material. Overseas, the game will be published by LionWing in 2024.
A novelization based on a campaign set in the game, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne TRPG Replay Saikai: See You Again Next World, was published in 2005.
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In the game, players can choose to play as a human that survived The Conception, a Demon, or a Fiend, a half-demon, half-human entity similar to the Demi-fiend. Player characters (PCs) have stats similar to the main Shin Megami Tensei series, including HP and MP, Strength, Magic, Vitality, Agility, Luck and elemental affinities. There are some additional stats new to the tabletop role-playing game format that PCs possess, including Fate Points, as well as their background, goals, and contacts, representing non-player characters (NPCs) that they know within the game world.
The game system uses ten-sided dice.
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Reason: Missing other supplements and in need of summaries for each. Please ensure supplements are official.