Kami wo Kure

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Kami wo Kure is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Kami wo Kure, whose name translates to "give me hair" or "give me paper" in Japanese, is a being rumored to occupy school bathrooms. As the story goes, a female student entered a bathroom at dusk and heard a voice coming from a stall, who asked that she give it paper. The student threw some paper over the stall door, though the voice kept demanding more, only stopping once the student said she had none left. Suspicious of the voice, the student opened the stall, which was unlocked and had no one inside. The voice shouted that it actually wanted the student's hair, then a hand reached out from the toilet and grabbed her by the head, pulling her in.

The story is based on the homonymous kanji 紙 (paper) and 髪 (hair), which are both read as かみ kami.


Kami wo Kure is a floating toilet with a purple hand sticking out of it, holding up a peace sign.


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Devil Children Black Book and Red Book

Kami wo Kure only appears in the PlayStation version of Red Book and Black Book.


Compendium Entries
Devil Children
Black Book and Red Book
かみのけを ほしがる ふしぎなデビル 決めぜりふは お前の かみのけだー!
Translation: A strange devil that desires hair. Its signature saying is "It's your HAIR!"


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese かみをくれ Kami wo Kure Give me paper