Template:Equipment Page

Revision as of 23:11, 10 June 2024 by RustyVanBurace (talk | contribs)
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(Infobox Item)
==Audio Drama Appearances==
==Novel Appearances==
==Anime Appearances==
==Manga Appearances==
==Other Appearances==

To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Equipment" under "Content". This boilerplate is intended only for equipment that have made more than three appearances, or otherwise have significant story relevance in the game they appear in. Equipment that do not fit either of these criteria should only be listed in a game's Equipment Listing.

  • Profile — The Profile section describes the equipment's qualities, including its physical appearance or its in-universe or story significance. This section can also include developer design notes.
  • Gameplay — This section documents the equipment's gameplay information, between dedicated subsections. If an equipment has only appeared in non-game media, omit these sections.
  • Mechanics — This documents the equipment's information by game, including its stats, where it is obtained, and any other mechanical information. This subsection should be further divided into smaller subsections for each game the equipment appears in.
To display equipment stats, use the game's respective equipment list table. This will usually be the same equipment table used in the game's Equipment Listing page.
  • Descriptions — This documents the equipment's in-game descriptions using Template:GameDesc. For games that were not officially localized, use the original Japanese descriptions, preferably paired with Template:DescTransl for translations.
  • Game Appearances — Used for detailing the equipment's story significance and other notable appearances by game. Gameplay data should only be covered in the Gameplay section. If the equipment has no story significance in any games, omit this section.
  • Audio Drama Appearances — If the equipment has appeared in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
  • Novel Appearances — If the equipment has appeared in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
  • Anime Appearances — If the equipment has appeared in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
  • Manga Appearances — If the equipment has appeared in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
  • Other Appearances — This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the equipment has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.