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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Skill/mt1/doc

local skill = {
['psi'] = {
	attribute = 'psy',
	cost = 1,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '念動波で相手に石つぶてを放ちます。',
	description = 'Fires a stone at the opponent using psychokinetic waves.',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Psi',
	power = 4,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['psycho'] = {
	attribute = 'psy',
	cost = 4,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '念動波を直接ぶつけてはじきとばします。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Psycho',
	power = 21,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['psychic'] = {
	attribute = 'psy',
	cost = 8,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '真空状態を起こし、相手を切り刻みます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Psychic',
	power = 42,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['psyclone'] = {
	attribute = 'psy',
	cost = 12,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '念動波が相手を包み、ひねりつぶします。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Psyclone',
	power = 80,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['bott'] = {
	attribute = 'fire',
	cost = 2,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '炎のかたまりを投げつけて攻撃します。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Bott',
	power = '?',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['bottra'] = {
	attribute = 'fire',
	cost = 5,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '炎の剣を生みだし相手に放ちます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Bottra',
	power = 24,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['boattna'] = {
	attribute = 'fire',
	cost = 10,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '火柱を巻起こして攻撃します。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Boattna',
	power = 70,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-3 enemies',
['gaboatt'] = {
	attribute = 'fire',
	cost = 15,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '炎の渦がすべてを焼き尽くしてしまいます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Gaboatt',
	power = 102,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-4 enemies',
['blizz'] = {
	attribute = 'ice',
	cost = 5,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '冷気で相手の動きをにぶらせます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Blizz',
	power = 12,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['blizza'] = {
	attribute = 'ice',
	cost = 10,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'すさまじい吹雪で敵を凍らせてしまいます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Blizza',
	power = 35,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['blizzardon'] = {
	attribute = 'ice',
	cost = 14,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '一瞬にして敵を凍らせる強力な冷凍攻撃。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Blizzardon',
	power = 77,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-4 enemies',
['kande'] = {
	attribute = 'electric',
	cost = 4,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '電撃で相手にダメージを与えます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Kande',
	power = 36,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['kandeon'] = {
	attribute = 'electric',
	cost = 9,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '稲妻をよび、強烈な電撃をあびせます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Kandeon',
	power = 87,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-4 enemies',
['hama'] = {
	attribute = 'expel',
	cost = 5,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '聖なる水を指先から発します。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Hama',
	power = 44,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['hakke'] = {
	attribute = 'expel',
	cost = 10,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '霧になった聖水が悪魔を包みこみます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Hakke',
	power = 90,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['hakyou'] = {
	attribute = 'expel',
	cost = 15,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '聖なる光で相手を灰にする、最強の魔法。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Hakyou',
	power = 130,
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['roar'] = {
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Roar',
	power = '?',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = '?',
['blaze'] = {
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Blaze',
	power = '?',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = '?',
['curse'] = {
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Curse',
	power = '?',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['dormin'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
	cost = 3,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '幻影を映し出し、相手の目をくらませます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Dormin',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['pulinpa'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
	cost = 5,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '相手の心に打撃を与え、放心状態にさせます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Pulinpa',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['nopp'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
	cost = 7,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '敵を念縛でかなしばりにします。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Nopp',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-2 enemies',
['marin karin'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
	cost = 10,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '敵を惑わせ、闘争心を失くさせてしまいます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Marin Karin',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-3 enemies',
['gussurito'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
	cost = 10,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '相手を眠らせます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Gussurito',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-3 enemies',
['poison'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Poison',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['palsy g'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Palsy (Glare)',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['palsy s'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Palsy (Song)',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['stone'] = {
	attribute = 'attack support',
		effect = '?',
	name = 'Stone',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['medi'] = {
	attribute = 'healing',
	cost = 2,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'HPをある程度まで回復します。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Medi',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single ally',
['medical'] = {
	attribute = 'healing',
	cost = 8,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'HPを最大値まで回復するものです。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Medical',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single ally',
['medica'] = {
	attribute = 'healing',
	cost = 6,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '仲間全員にメディをかけることができます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Medica',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'All allies',
['clink'] = {
	attribute = 'healing',
	cost = 7,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '死んだ場合以外なら、1/2の確率で治せます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Clink',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single ally',
['patch'] = {
	attribute = 'healing',
	cost = 4,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '催眠攻撃を受けた仲間を目覚めさせます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Patch',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single ally',
['recarm'] = {
	attribute = 'healing',
	cost = 20,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '死んだ者を蘇らせますが、失敗もあります。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Recarm',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single ally',
['hyper'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 2,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '仲間の精神力を高め、攻撃力を上げます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Hyper',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'All allies',
['tetraja'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 5,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'シールドをはり、味方の防御力を上げます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = 'Prevents level decrease caused by Energy Drain.',
	name = 'Tetraja',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single ally',
['etna'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 6,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '相手の魔力を封じます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Etna',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = '1-3 enemies',
['kyuma'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 0,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '仲間の魔法を吸い取ります(敵のみ使用)。',
	description = '?',
	effect = '?',
	name = 'Kyuma',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
	target = 'Single enemy',
['sabbath'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 8,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'コンピューターなしで仲魔を呼べます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = 'Summons a Demon from the party stock without using the COMP.',
	name = 'Sabbath',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
['mapper'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 2,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = '地図を見ることができるようになります。',
	description = '?',
	effect = "Displays mini-map of the party's location.",
	name = 'Mapper',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
['start'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 12,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'どこからでもミコンの町に帰れます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = 'Transports party to Micon Town.',
	name = 'Start',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
['swordna'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
	cost = 10,
	costtype = 'MP',
	descriptionja = 'どこでもパスワードを見ることができます。',
	description = '?',
	effect = "View current progress's save password.",
	name = 'Swordna',
	skilltype = 'Magic',
['energy drain'] = {
	attribute = 'defensive',
		effect = "Chance of permanently decreasing a human character's level by one.",
	name = 'Energy Drain',
	skilltype = 'Extra',
	target = 'Single enemy',

return {
	skill = skill,