Each of Shei's forms are humanoid in appearance. The first form has partially transparent skin with visible organs, and they all have markings resembling cuneiform on their foreheads.
The stats levels shown in the stat tables are their minimum levels and their base stats according to Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Akuma Zensho. Their levels can be up to 19 higher (18 higher for Form 1), and their stats vary. Additionally, they can be named by the player when being created; the default name is シェイ (Shei). Shei is created through a separate Zoma Birth Fusion menu option where Shei is created by fusing any demon with a Dolly Kadmon. Demons can subsequently be fused with Shei to change Shei's level, stats, and skillset.
This section is in need of research.
Reason: Resistances are unknown. If you have any in-depth knowledge of Shei's resistances, post on Template talk:Data/Type/DeSum.