The gallery policy of Megami Tensei Wiki outlines how gallery sections and pages should be formatted on the wiki.


Galleries are dedicated sections or pages that display images or videos about a particular subject in organized rows. For most subjects, galleries are kept in a Gallery section near the bottom of the page, following the Nomenclature section and just before the Notes and/or References sections.

Galleries use <gallery> tags to automatically sort files into an array of thumbnails. A Gallery section will look like:

File name|Caption

Files kept in a gallery do not need the File: prefix in their name to display, unlike other forms of linking files. Captions are optional, but are encouraged to briefly describe a file, namely by indicating what type of file it is (such as a sprite or artwork).

Galleries should only list files that are pertinent or related to the subject in some way. This can also include images that do not specifically focus on that subject, but still involve them or are related to them. For example, an artwork of a group of characters can be added to each character's gallery.

Gallery Order

Like pages, galleries should have their content arranged in a particular order.

File types should be ordered from: Covers (for games, manga, etc.) > Artwork > Renders (for officially rendered models) > Illustrations (for illustrated pages in a book) > Maps (for locations) > Models > Sprites > Screenshots > Photos > Videos.

Subject Galleries

Galleries for subjects such as characters, demons, locations, etc., should have their content ordered in the same order as the main page's Appearances sections, which follow the wiki's media order guidelines. I.e. files should be ordered first by media type, series order, any sub-series order, and finally by media title order.

Spoilery files should be listed as the last item within the orders defined above. I.e. a spoilery screenshot should be the among the last screenshots listed.

Media Galleries

Galleries for media titles, such as games, anime, manga, etc., can cover that media in its entirety and as such are simply ordered by file type as defined above.

Gallery Pages

If an article's Gallery section exceeds 15 files or is causing significant page loading slowdown, it should be split into its own Gallery page. Gallery pages are prefaced with Gallery:, such as Gallery:Jack Frost, and are linked to within the subject's Gallery section using Template:SeeGallery {{SeeGallery}}.

Because Gallery pages exist in their own space, these galleries are permitted and encouraged to be further organized into dedicated sections by media or otherwise by file type. Each of these sections would have their own gallery tags.

For a subject such as a character, demon, etc., their Gallery page should be divided into sections by media, as defined by the media order. As a condensed example, Jack Frost's Gallery page may be ordered as:

==Game Appearances==
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Shin Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Megami Ibunroku Persona
Jack Bros.

==TV Series Appearances==
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner

==Manga Appearances==
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. Kodoku no Marebito
Persona: Tsumi to Batsu

==Other Appearances==
(For files that do not pertain to any one media or are from non-Megami Tensei media.) 

Media Pages

File types should be ordered from: Covers (including box art and app icons) > Icons (such as achievements or for DLC listings) > Key Artwork > Characters > Jobs > Personas > Demons > Shadows > Beasts > Items > Equipment > Maps > Screenshots > Photos > Videos. Each section should only be used when applicable, no game will require use of every section listed. Within these sections, when applicable there should be subsections separating the image files by file type (Artwork, Render, Graphic). If the game has multiple versions that share the same media page, image files specific to certain versions should be separated by another subsection within the file type subsection when applicable. For example, a video game's Galley page may be ordered as:

==Key Artwork==