Koki Kamikawa is a character in Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation.


Koki Kamikawa was born in Harajuku Shelter and lived there as a Devil Busters until its destruction. He alongside his friend Tetsuya Sonoda join the resistance group named Pentagramma.


Kamikawa learns physical, support and almighty skills. He joins Ayato Katsuragi at the Resistance Base and leaves after the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.

Game Appearances

Koki Kamikawa was a Devil Buster from Harajuku Shelter until it was destroyed by demons, so he and his friend Tetsuya Sonoda join the resistance group named Pentagramma and offer Ayato Katsuragi (and his friends if they're there) the option to join with them at Pentagramma.

Kamikawa helps Pentagramma and Katsuragi liberate the Shinjuku Labor Camp from the hands of Dantalion the Fallen.

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After this they liberate the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building from the hands of Bael the Tyrant, however upon his last breaths Bael makes a desperate attack aimed for Katsuragi but Kamikawa gets in the way and is killed by it.

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  Japanese 上河 公輝 Kamikawa Kouki Koki Kamikawa


