Anthology manga are collections of comic works by multiple, different authors. These are different from most other published manga, which are usually collections of stories by the same author or group. Anthology manga tend to feature self-contained works that are unrelated to each other, such as short stories, 4-koma gag comics, or individual illustrations. They often feature light-hearted or comedic stories. There have been numerous published anthology manga based on games and series in the Megami Tensei franchise.

This page covers anthology manga in the Megami Tensei franchise by series and game.

Shin Megami Tensei series

Shin Megami Tensei IV

Shin Megami Tensei IV Dengeki Comic Anthology
Volume Publisher Release Date ISBN
ASCII Media Works
 Japan August 27, 2013
Title (Japanese) Title (Translation) Author / Artist
マッカに懸けろ! Hang On To Macca! Michiru Mizusawa
Shin Megami Tensei IV Dengeki Comic Anthology
Volume Publisher Release Date ISBN
  ASCII Media Works
 Japan August 27, 2013
Title (Japanese) Title (Translation) Author / Artist
Cover Illustration Asao Murayama
Color Illustration 1 Minako Iwasaki
Color Illustration 2 Kirito Ayamura
Girl's Secret Aki★Eda
マッカに懸けろ! Hang On To Macca! Michiru Mizusawa
I'll Be Waiting For You At The Dormitory Shiichi Kugura
Seven-Year Old Young Man Midori Tokiwa
うちのヒーホー 知りませんか Do You Know My Hee-Ho? Moto Kuromura
God of Negotiation Akira Uta
Head Delivery Michiru Katou
Samurai Apprentice Party Kiyunkichi
サムライ食風景 Samurai Meal Scene Tamura Mutō
I Don't Know The Demon's Heart Sai Asai
Together with Masakado Ryuji Tsukiyama
After Him, Isabeau! Ume Aka
Penniless Samurai Hiromu Taki
Which One Do You Prefer? Jenny

Devil Summoner series

Persona series

Devil Survivor series

Devil Survivor

Devil Survivor Comic Anthology
Volume Publisher Release Date ISBN
Volume 1
 Japan March 25, 2009
Volume 2
 Japan June 25, 2009
Title (Japanese) Title (Translation) Author / Artist Volume
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