
Table template used to document the stats of ally Demons in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei.

For the stats of enemy Demons, including bosses, use Template:MT1 Demon Stats.

This stat table is specifically designed for the original Famicom version of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei. For Kyūyaku Megami Tensei, use Template:KMT Party Stats instead.


Stat tables are used in the Gameplay section on Demon pages, or in their respective Gameplay page if available. It can be used with <tabber></tabber> tags to catalog different stat tables of the subject, particularly for enemy or boss versions of Demons. Refer to the Gameplay guidelines for full instruction on using stat tables and tabbers.

Parameter Explanation

{{MT1 Party Stats
|img= Image subject name; defaults to "MT1 (article name) Sprite.png" when omitted
|name= Name; defaults to article's name when omitted
|level= Level
|st= Strength
|in= Intelligence
|at= Attack
|ag= Agility
|de= Defense
|race= Race
|raceredirect= Redirects the Race's link to another page or section
|alignment= Alignment
|hp= HP
|mp= MP
|cost= Summoning cost
|cp= Antibody points; amount of Magnetite consumed while in party
|moon= Moon Phase aggression
|location= Encounter location or obtain method
|resist= Resist Type
|magic=Known magic skills; use {{Skill}} to add skills
|extra=Known extra skills; use {{Skill}} to add skills
Parameter Notes
Optional; not used when parameter is omitted. By default, the template will automatically add the Demon's sprite as [[File:MT1 {{{PAGENAME}}} Sprite.png]]. The img= parameter inputs a different subject name to call the icon from. This should be used if the Demon's in-game name differs from the article title, or if the title has a discriminator in it.
Optional; not used when parameter is omitted. By default, the template will automatically render the Demon's name the same as the article name. Use the name parameter if the Demon's name differs in-game or if the article title has a discriminator in it.
race / raceredirect
Displays and automatically links to the Demon's Race by name.

If the Race has a different name in-game from the article or if the title has a discriminator in it, use raceredirect= to redirect the link to the appropriate Race page or section. The Race name entered in race= will therefore become the link's display name.
Displays the cost to summon the Demon into the active party.
Optional; does not display when parameter is omitted. Displays where the Demon can be found or how to obtain. If the Demon can be encountered in multiple locations, list the earliest appearance in the parameter and all other subsequent appearances in an Exp tooltip. If the Demon can only be obtained in Fusion, list [[Fusion]] only. See the Gameplay guidelines for full instruction on listing Demon locations.
In Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei, Demons do not have unique resistances but instead a resistance type. The original Famicom version has 15 types. The resist= parameter requires only the resistance spread's ID number used by the Demon, which will automatically display the associated type. This data is stored in Template:Data/Type/MT1.
magic / extra
Use Template:Skill to add Magic and Extra Skills. E.g. {{Skill|MT1|Bott}}. This stat table will display the skill name, attribute, cost, and manual description (if Magic) or effect (if Extra).

Skill information is called from Module:Data/Skill/mt1.


All parameters
{{MT1 Party Stats