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Tatari-mokke is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Tatari-mokke (たたりもっけ tatarimokke), approximately translated to "cursed infant," are the spirits of dead infants said to dwell in owls and cry through hooting. In Japan's past, newborn infants were not considered human beings, and thus would be buried around houses instead of receiving formal burials in graves.

Folklorists have rendered tatarimokke in kanji as (たた)(もっけ), literally meaning "possessed frog." 蛙 Mokke (frog) is based on もけ moke, a term for "infant" in some regions of Aomori Prefecture, where abortion and infanticide were commonplace due to poverty, and was associated with the tatari-mokke myth.


Tatari-mokke is a brown owl with large eyes, wearing a white bib with a picture of a yellow duckling, and a pink diaper.


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Compendium Entries
Devil Children
Black Book and Red Book
母親をさがす ために空をとぶ 鳥のすがたに 変身した あかんぼうの デビル
Translation: An infant Devil who transformed into a sky-flying bird's form in order to find its mother.
Devil Children
White Book
ははおやをさがす ためにそらをとぶ トリのすがたに へんしんした あかんぼうの デビル
Translation: An infant Devil who transformed into a sky-flying bird's form in order to find its mother.
Devil Children
Light Book and Dark Book
Baby owl demon with a cry that is frequently mistaken for that of a human infant.
Devil Children
Fire Book and Ice Book
母親を探すために 空を飛ぶ 鳥に 変身した赤ん坊の ふくろう デビル 泣き声は 人間の 赤ん坊と 同じ
Translation: An infant owl Devil who transformed into a sky-flying bird in order to find its mother. Its cries are similar to a human infant.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  English Hooty DemiKids Light Version and Dark Version
  Japanese タタリモッケ Tatarimokke Tatari-mokke, from (たた)(もっけ) tatarimokke (cursed infant)