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It is possible to add a different subject name to the file name by using the <code>img=</code> parameter. This should be used if the Demon's name differs from its article title, or if the article title has a discriminator in it. For instance, adding <code>img=Feng Huang</code> to a stat table will make it so that the table will specifically search for and add an image with this subject name.
It is possible to add a different subject name to the file name by using the <code>img=</code> parameter. This should be used if the Demon's name differs from its article title, or if the article title has a discriminator in it. For instance, adding <code>img=Feng Huang</code> to a stat table will make it so that the table will specifically search for and add an image with this subject name.
In this context, "stats" refer to the inherent data with each character that are often used for battle. This can include the common array of stat values: Level, HP, MP, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck, etc. This also includes miscellaneous data such as Race, behavioral types such as [[Speech Pattern]] or [[Moon Phase]], associative summoning costs, and so on.
Stat data are added simply by entering them into their appropriate parameters. Stats that have a visual gauge in-game will also have these rendered automatically. Some stat parameters in stat tables are optional; if a particular stat is not applicable to a subject, its parameter should be omitted from usage. This will either hide the parameter or otherwise add an em dash to denote as non-applicable.
Stats that can grow or change should only reflect the base / default value inherent to the subject.
Stats should always preferably be taken straight from the games wherever possible, such as from a status screen for allies or from an Analyze screen for enemies and bosses. Other times, especially for enemies / bosses with hidden values, this may require data-mining. If you are unable to retrieve certain information yourself, you should mark unknown fields with "?" and tag the game's section with [[Template:Research]] to request that the data be found and added by another. Data can also be taken from verified guides as well.
Bear in mind that in many ''Megami Tensei'' games, '''ally and enemy Demons often have different stats, resistances, and/or skill sets''' and should not be assumed to always be identical unless verified. It is for this reason that that the wiki usually splits ally and enemy stat tables.
A subject's encounter location (or how it is obtained) can be added to the <code>location=</code> parameter. This should merely state the name of the location with a link to its page, immediately followed by any floor numbers. For example: <code><nowiki>location=[[Daedalus Tower]] 1F</nowiki></code>. For allied subjects who can only be obtained through certain means, the location parameter can also be used to briefly describe the method. Examples: <code><nowiki>location=[[Fusion]] only</nowiki></code> (for standard fusions), <code><nowiki>location=[[Fusion Accident]]</nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki>location=Event at [[Old Suidobashi]]</nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki>location=Clear "[[Osiris' Resurrection]]"</nowiki></code> (for sidequests).
Otherwise, the location parameter must be kept concise and be no longer than a short sentence. Any locations that would require a lengthier explanation should be explained outside of and prior to the stat table.
If a subject appears in more than one location, the earliest appearance should be added to the parameter. Subsequent locations can be added to an [[Template:Exp|Exp tooltip]] after the initial appearance. For example: <code><nowiki>{{Exp|Location 2F-3F<br/>Location 5F, 7F}}</nowiki></code>.
