The Alter-World is a gameplay mode in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. It depicts an alternate possible future. In this mode, the protagonist wields a sword and takes part in battle with physical attacks. Their stats, Strength, Vitality, Luck, and Magic can be increased upon leveling up. Enemies are in protective bubbles. A gauge fills up as the party hits enemies and when it is full the bubbles disappear and damage is multiplied.


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The Alter-World continues from an alternate timeline of chapter 7. The protagonist is a grizzled soldier and friends with a Pixie who accompanies them.

Differences from the Main game

  • The protagonist is playable in combat. They can be equipped with swords and shields and always act first regardless of stats.
  • All Dx2 skills are disabled, including assists
  • Includes the Overbreak system. Enemies have a protective bubble. There is an overbreak gauge that fills when you hit enemies, when at 100% the bubbles disappear and enemies are extremely vulnerable to attack
  • Each area focuses on an element type. Demons use the element's skills and are weak to it simultaneously.

Tokyo Abyss

A sub-mode of Alter-World is Tokyo Abyss. It is a dungeon with multiple floors. The player takes individual steps and makes choices at forks in the road to gain demons, fuse them, and fight to gain levels before getting to the boss at the end of the floor
