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Boss is a minor character in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. Formerly an active Hunter for 10 years, he now runs the Kinshicho Hunter Association.


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Boss is Asahi's father and Nanashi's adoptive father. He takes his job of running Kinshicho's Hunter Association seriously, even extending his professionalism to his daughter when she does not refer to him as "Boss" at work. Despite his impersonal treatment, he cares dearly for Asahi and is familiar with her attitude. Since his job keeps him busy, he relies on Nanashi to watch over her in his place.

He appears as an older-looking man, wearing glasses and holding a pipe.

Game Appearances

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Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Boss is first seen working at Kinshicho's Hunter Association when Asahi and Nanashi arrive to watch the morning broadcast and to look for Nikkari and Manabu. He is about to remind her to address him as "Boss" but she interrupts him whilst yielding to his request. He goes on to lecture her, saying she could learn a few things from Nanashi and how she cannot fathom how much he has and will do to take care of them. Then he tells them that Nikkari is somewhere around the bar and to not keep him waiting.

After the quest to gather food at Kinshi Park goes awry, Boss immediately sends some Hunters to recover the corpses of Nikkari and Manabu. He tries to comfort Asahi and Nanashi by telling them to take it easy. However, Asahi tries to ask him to make her and Nanashi official Hunters, to which he refuses as the two are still kids. When she continues to insist, he admonishes her, admitting he never wanted to the two to become Hunters and that the two should not worry about the bigger picture. He ends the conversation here and asks Asahi for Nikkari's phone, only for her to ignore him and run out of the bar. Exasperated, he asks Nanashi to follow her, to which he obliges.

When Asahi and Nanashi return to the bar later after taking on a high-leveled mission at the Sky Tower, Boss scolds them for disregarding his worries, emphasizing the dangers that come with being a Hunter. Flynn cuts in to compliment the two as accomplished Hunters, surprising Boss with his presence. He is placated by the praise Flynn and Isabeau give to his kids for their actions. With the two Samurai vouching for his kids' capabilities, Boss officially deems Asahi and Nanashi as Hunters, but orders Nanashi to keep an eye on Asahi since he is still worried. While registering the two in the database, he asks the two about the aliases they want to go by, with Asahi taking a while to settle on one. He gets annoyed at how long it takes for her to decide and tells her to just use her real name. Afterwards, he reiterates the dangers of being a Hunter and reminds them to thank Flynn and Isabeau for rescuing them. He also wishes that he and the rest of Tokyo could do more to help Flynn out and promises to send aid if the Samurai asks.

Later, Asahi and Nanashi come back to the bar to ask him for more quests, but rather than give them another job, he goes into another lecture. He mentions taking on smaller jobs first to gain experience over time. He becomes annoyed when Asahi continues to pester him and tells her to check her phone if she wants more work to do. She leaves the bar once more while Boss repeats his earlier order to Nanashi to watch over her.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  Japanese マスター Master; common way of referring to barkeepers in Japan.


