Eve is a Demon in Shin Megami Tensei: Nine.

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She is the wife of Adam. Her name means ‘life’. According to the Book of Genesis 2:21 of the Old Testament et seq., she was the first woman created from a piece of Adam’s rib.

She was tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that grew in the centre of the Garden of Eden, which she encouraged her husband to do, and thus she and Adam were banished from paradise.

In the pseudepigrapha Book of Jubilees 4, the details of their children are as followed: after Abel, a daughter named Awan was born, and after Seth, another daughter named Azura was born.

In the pseudepigrapha The Life of Adam and Eve and The Apocalypse of Moses, Eve and her son Seth watch as Adam’s body is buried by angels. Only six days later, she breathed her last.

In this work, she always appears with Adam. In characteristics and design, she and her husband are a pair, truly one and the same.[1]



Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei: Nine

Other Appearances

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Shin Megami Tensei

While not making a direct appearance, Lilith mentions upon defeat that she and the Hero were meant to become the new Adam and Eve.[2]

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  • The pattern on her body resembles the design of Yaldaboath's face.[1]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  Japanese イブ Eve




  1. 1.0 1.1 "アダムの妻。名の意味は生命。旧約聖書「創世記」第2章21節以降によれば、アダムの肋骨の一部から創造された、最初の女だ。蛇の誘惑で、エデンの園の中央に生えている知恵の木の実を食べ、それを夫にも勧めたため、アダム共々楽園を追放された。偽典「ヨベル書」第4章は、ふたりの子どもに関して詳しく、アベルの後にはアワン、セツ(セト)の後にはアズラという娘が産まれた。偽典「アダムとエバの生涯」および「モーセの黙示録」では、イヴは息子セツと共に、アダムの遺体が天使たちの手で埋葬されるのを見届ける。そのわずか6日後に、息を引き取った。本作では、常にアダ ムと共に出現。特性やデザインは夫と対で、まさしくふたりでひとつだ。" Page description: Eve Profile. Kaneko Works III.
  2. "Lilith: You and I were supposed to become the new Adam and Eve." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).