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Regarding source question

Hi, you messaged me little while ago about sources for my nomenclature edits. Which entries specifically are you referring to?

Well, to give you an idea of the sort of thing, I've done updates so far at Futaba Sakura, Ren Amamiya and Ryuji Sakamoto.
I can see from your contrib list that you've done a lot of these edits (which is great!), I'm just wondering where you are getting the information, since most of the ones I've looked at so far have needed significant editing. I wonder if you'd maybe be interested in going to the Japanese sources yourself (such as namedic.jp and myoji-yurai.net) to verify these meanings and add the source citations?
(Also, just as a hint, you can sign and date your talk page comments with ~~~~, like I'm about to do:) Vashti (talk) 05:53, 24 November 2023 (UTC)
Typically, I verify the meaning of each individual kanji along with any possible multi-character compounds using Jisho. It's certainly not an infallible method, since most kanji have a variety of denotational and connotational meanings - for example, the 龍 ryū in Ryūji has a denotative meaning of "dragon," but a connotative meaning of "imperial" (as in the Japanese Empire of the nineteenth and early twentieth century). Most English-language dictionaries of Japanese names are woefully incomplete, so for quite a few names, I simply had to make do with reference and inference.
As I said before, I am absolutely not infallible - if something is wrong, please correct it! The site will be better if you do. I just wanted to give a bit of meaning to the Nomenclature sections of what will inevitably be our most popular pages, and try to put my Japanese degree to some use. Tenebra3 (talk) 06:05, 24 November 2023 (UTC)
Well, that's the reason I pointed out the Japanese reference websites—they're great for getting a sourced meaning instead of winging it. In other cases (such as names that clearly derive from a placename) the city webpages often have very detailed etymologies. I don't know if it's really possible to come up with accurate meanings for the names just by using Jisho—it doesn't work at all for "Akechi", for instance, which appears to be a glowup of an older name meaning "bad soil" or "bad land". A dictionary would never tell you that.
I may be able to go through some of your edits, but probably far from all of them (I really only do P5, and this is quite detailed work), and this is after all your project. I do think it might be better to use Japanese sources for future edits like this, if you possibly can? Vashti (talk) 06:20, 24 November 2023 (UTC)
Absolutely. I'll go through and re-write when I have the time. The sites you've provided are clearly a cut above, so thank you for bringing them to my attention. Cheers! Tenebra3 (talk) 06:24, 24 November 2023 (UTC)