Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Skill/desum/doc

local skill = {
['arm chopper'] = {
attribute = 'Sword Skill',
effect = 'Deals Sword Skill damage. Hits 0-2 times. Switches to another target if initial target dies. Chance to inflict Paralyze.',
cost = '7%',
costtype = 'HP',
target = 'Single Enemy in Front Row',
hit = 1,
power = 12,
inbattle = 'y',
outbattle = 'n',
description = 'Special physical action. Power 12. 0-2 hit attack. Paralyze effect.',
name = 'Arm Chopper',
battlename = 'CUTTING-EDGE',
desumicon = 'oextra',
skilltype = 'Extra'

return {
	skill = skill,