
Table template used to document the stats of boss encounters from Shin Megami Tensei.


This template is to be used in the ==Gameplay== section on Demon and Character pages. It can be used with <tabber></tabber> to catalog different versions of the enemy, including versions from separate ports of the game. Duplicate tables cataloging the version of an enemy from a specific version of the game are not needed if the demon features identical stats and information in another table. The original version of the game is treated as default.

{{SMT1 Boss Stats
|img= Image Name 
|name= Name
|level= Level
|st= Strength
|in= Intelligence 
|ma= Magic
|vi= Vitality
|ag= Agility
|lu= Luck
|loc= Location
|race= Race
|raceredirect= Race Redirect
|hp= HP
|mp= MP
|money= Money Drop
|mag= MAG Drop
|drop= Item Drop
|dropredirect= Item Drop Redirect
|hit= Number of Hits
|atk= Attack
|acc= Accuracy
|def= Defense
|eva= Evasion
|m-atk= Magical Attack
|m-efc= Magical Effect
|resist= Resist Type 
|magic= Magic Skills
|extra= Extra Skills

The img= parameter used to call the enemy's sprite. In the template's code it's set up as [[File:SMT1 {{{img|}}} Sprite.png]], so you simply have to write the version of the game and the name of the enemy.

The species= parameter is for listing what Species the demon belongs to. In Shin Megami Tensei, a demon's Species is determined by it's Race. Almost every race in the game is part of a larger group, this being a species. If you do not know what species a specific race belongs to, refer to the Species page. This data should not be treated as a link.

The race= parameter is set up so that whatever is typed into it will automatically be a link in the chart. If the demon's race was later localized as something else or is on a different page like List of Minor Demon Races, you will need to use the raceredirect= parameter instead of race= in order to manually pipe the link to another page.

The drop= parameter is set up so that whatever is typed into it will automatically be a link in the chart. If the demon can drop no item, multiple items, or you need to manually pipe a link to a separate page use dropredirect=.

In all of the Super Famicom Shin Megami Tensei games, demons do not have unique weaknesses. They all pull from a shared pool of preset weakness spreads, here called "Resistance Type". The original Shin Megami Tensei features 36 types. The resist= parameter only requires the number identified the weakness spread used by the demon being cataloged. Each type is associated with it's own resistance description, but if the description for a given demon does not match the default, or if you're cataloging a demon from a specific version of Shin Megami Tensei that does not contain resistance descriptions, you can add a unique one using the resistdes= parameter.

The magic= and extra= parameters use Template:Skill for displaying skill information.


{{SMT1 Boss Stats


{{SMT1 Boss Stats
|img=PS Gabriel Boss
|loc=[[Basilica]] 3F