The Reaper

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The Reaper is a Shadow in the Persona series. It is a powerful Shadow who appears to the player if they stick around on the floor of a dungeon for too long. The player can usually hear his chains rattling for some time in advance of his appearance.





Persona 3

Name Level HP SP
The Reaper 99 4444 9999
Location Tartarus
Arcana EXP RERandom Encounter Drop

Death [[]] (—%)

Elemental Resistances
NulNull NulNull
Ailment Resistances
Skill Cost Description
Pierce Attack Normal attack using the Pierce attribute
Maragidyne 24 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Mabufudyne 32 SP Deals heavy Ice damage /Freezes all foes.
Maziodyne 32 SP Deals heavy Elec dmg/ Shocks all foes.
Magarudyne 24 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Hamaon 12 SP Light instant kill, 1 foe (high odds).
Mahamaon 24 SP Light instant kill, all foes (high odds).
Mudoon 12 SP Darkness instant kill, 1 foe (high odds).
Mamudoon 24 SP Darkness instant kill, all foes (high odds).
Megidolaon 85 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
Fire Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Fire resistance to average.
Ice Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Ice resistance to average.
Elec Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Elec resistance to average.
Wind Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Wind resistance to average.
Life Drain 5 SP Drains foe's HP.
Spirit Drain 5 SP Drains foe's SP.
Vorpal Blade 36% HP Heavy Slash dmg to all foes."Great" bonus.
Vile Assault 16% HP Hvy Pierce dmg, 1 foe.Knocked Down bonus
Myriad Arrows 40% HP Medium Pierce dmg to all foes (multi-hit).

Persona 3 FES

Name Level HP SP
The Reaper 99 5000 12000
Location Tartarus
Arcana EXP RERandom Encounter Drop

Death [[]] (—%)

Elemental Resistances
NulNull NulNull
Ailment Resistances
Skill Cost Description
Pierce Attack Normal attack using the Pierce attribute
Maragidyne 24 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Mabufudyne 32 SP Deals heavy Ice damage /Freezes all foes.
Maziodyne 32 SP Deals heavy Elec dmg/ Shocks all foes.
Magarudyne 24 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Hamaon 12 SP Light= instant kill, 1 foe (high odds).
Mudoon 12 SP Darkness instant kill, 1 foe (high odds).
Mahamaon 24 SP Light= instant kill, all foes (high odds).
Mamudoon 24 SP Darkness instant kill, all foes (high odds).
Megidolaon 85 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
Life Drain 5 SP Drains foe's HP.
Spirit Drain 5 SP Drains foe's SP.
Mind Charge 15 SP Doubles magic damage dealt next turn.
Fire Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Fire resistance to average.
Ice Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Ice resistance to average.
Elec Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Elec resistance to average.
Wind Break 40 SP Reduces 1 foe's Wind resistance to average.
Vile Assault 12% HP Hvy Pierce dmg, 1 foe.Knocked Down bonus
Vorpal Blade 21% HP Heavy Slash dmg to all foes."Great" bonus.
Myriad Arrows 19% HP Medium Pierce dmg to all foes (multi-hit).

Persona 3 Portable

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Persona 3 Reload

Name Level HP SP
The Reaper 90 8000 999
Location Tartarus
Arcana EXP RERandom Encounter
Death 175820
Element Resistances
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Ailment Resistances
NuNull NuNull NuNull NuNull NuNull NuNull
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Skill Cost Description
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Maragidyne 24 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Bufudyne 14 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe. Low chance of inflicting Freeze.
Mabufudyne 24 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes. Low chance of inflicting Freeze.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Magarudyne 24 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 14 SP Deals heavy Electric damage to 1 foe. Low chance of inflicting Shock.
Maziodyne 24 SP Deals heavy Electric damage to all foes. Low chance of inflicting Shock.
Hamaon 14 SP Medium chance of Light instakill to 1 foe.
Mahamaon 26 SP Medium chance of Light instakill to 1 foe.
Kougaon 15 SP Deals heavy Light damage to 1 foe.
Makougaon 25 SP Deals heavy Light damage to all foes.
Mudoon 14 SP Medium chance of Dark instakill to 1 foe.
Mamudoon 26 SP Medium chance of Dark instakill to all foes.
Eigaon 15 SP Deals heavy Dark damage to 1 foe.
Maeigaon 25 SP Deals heavy Dark damage to all foes.
Megidolaon 50 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
Evil Smile 5 SP High chance of Fear to all foes.
Tentarafoo 10 SP Medium chance of Confuse to all foes.
Virus Breath 25 SP Medium Almighty damage with medium chance of Poison to all foes.
Brave Blade 20% HP Deals severe Slash damage to 1 foe.
Vorpal Blade 22% HP Deals severe Slash damage to all foes.
God's Hand 25% HP Deals massive Strike damage to 1 foe.
Akasha Arts 22% HP Deals heavy Strike damage to all foes (1-2 hits).
Vile Assault 15% HP Deals heavy Pierce damage to 1 foe. More damage to downed foe.
Primal Force 21% HP Deals severe Pierce damage to 1 foe.
Heat Riser 36 SP Increases 1 ally's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy/Evasion for 3 turns.
Debilitate 36 SP Decreases 1 foe's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy/Evasion for 3 turns.
Dekaja 10 SP Nullify stat buffs for all foes.
Charge 30 SP Next physical attack will deal more than double the damage.
Concentrate 30 SP Next magic attack will deal more than double the damage.
Null Dizzy Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy.
Confuse Boost Increase chances of inflicting Confuse.
Ailment Boost Increase chances of inflicting ailments.
Hama Boost Increase chances of instakill with Hama skills.
Mudo Boost Increases chances of instakill with Mudo skills.
Apt Pupil Doubles the chance of dealing a critical hit.
Magic Mastery Automatically strengthen non-Almighty magic skills by 50%. Can stack.

Persona 4

In Persona 4, the Reaper does not appear in the overworld map. Instead, after opening a certain number of chests, the player will begin to hear the sound of chains indicating that the Reaper might spawn from their next normal chest. After defeating the Reaper, the chest will give a weapon or armor. This can only occur on New Game Plus.

Name Level HP SP
The Reaper 85 5000 12000
Location Chests in the TV World
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

Death 5000 13 — (%)

Element Resistances
NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Maragidyne 22 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Mabufudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Magarudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 12 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec dmg to all foes.
Hamaon 15 SP Light: medium chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
Mahamaon 34 SP Light: medium chance of instant kill, all foes.
Mudoon 15 SP Darkness: medium chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
Mamudoon 34 SP Darkness: med chance of instant kill, all foes.
Megidola 24 SP Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
Megidolaon 38 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
Life Leech Drains a large amount of 1 foe's HP.
Spirit Leech Drains a large amount of 1 foe's SP.
Vorpal Blade 22% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes.
Myriad Arrows 18% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x.
Vile Assault 12% HP Hvy Phys dmg, 1 foe. Bonus damage to foes that are knocked down.
Mind Charge 29 SP Doubles magic damage dealt next turn.
Fire Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Fire resistance.
Ice Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Ice resistance.
Wind Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Wind resistance.
Elec Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Elec resistance.

Persona 4 Golden

In Golden, the Reaper is no longer restricted to New Game Plus and can now spawn during the player's first playthrough.

Name Level HP SP
The Reaper 85 5000 12000
Location Chests in the TV World
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

Death 5000 13 — (%)

Element Resistances
NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Maragidyne 22 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Mabufudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Magarudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 12 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to all foes.
Hamaon 15 SP Light: medium chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
Mahamaon 34 SP Light: medium chance of instant kill, all foes.
Mudoon 15 SP Darkness: medium chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
Mamudoon 34 SP Darkness: med chance of instant kill, all foes.
Megidola 24 SP Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
Megidolaon 38 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
Life Leech 3 SP Drains a large amount of 1 foe's HP.
Spirit Drain 3 SP Drains 1 foe's SP.
Vorpal Blade 25% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes.
Myriad Arrows 22% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x.
Vile Assault 18% HP Hvy Phys dmg, 1 foe. Bonus damage to foes that are Down.
Mind Charge 15 SP Doubles damage of next magic attack.
Fire Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Fire resistance.
Ice Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Ice resistance.
Wind Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Wind resistance.
Elec Break 15 SP Nullifies 1 foe's Elec resistance.


Compendium Entries

Game Appearances

Novel Appearances

Anime Appearances

Persona 4 The Animation

In episode 25, the culprit is capable of summoning multiple Reapers to attack the Investigation Team.

Manga Appearances

Persona 4

In chapter 60, the culprit summons the Reaper to attack the Investigation Team. Kanji Tatsumi and Yosuke Hanamura stay behind and fight it while the others go on ahead.

Other Appearances



Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 刈り取る者 Karitorumono The One Who Reaps / Harvests
Simplified Chinese 猎杀者 Lièshāzhě The One Who Hunts And Kills
Traditional Chinese 獵殺者 Lièshāzhě The One Who Hunts And Kills
French La Faucheuse The Reaper
German Der Reaper The Reaper
Italian Il Mietitore The Reaper
Korean 거둬들이는 Geodwodeur-ineun Ja The One Who Reaps
Polish Żniwiarz Reaper
Brazilian Portuguese O Ceifador The Reaper
Russian Жнец Zhnets Reaper
European Spanish El segador The Reaper
Turkish Ölüm Meleği Angel of Death


