Template:SMT4A Partner Stats

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Table template used to document the stats of Partner characters in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse.


This template is to be used in the ==Gameplay== section on a Partner character's page, or in their respective Gameplay: page if available. It can be used with <tabber></tabber> tags to catalog different versions of the subject, particularly for differing skillsets and resistances. Refer to the tabber guidelines for instruction.

Parameters that are non-applicable to the subject, such as element resistances, should be omitted from usage.

{{SMT4A Partner Stats
|img= Image subject name
|name= Name
|level= Base level
|race= Race
|raceredirect= Race redirect
|hp= Base HP
|mp= Base MP
|hit= Basic attack's number of hits
|element= Basic attack's element
|target= Basic attack's target range
|effect= Basic attack's added effect, if any
|physical= Resistance to the Phys element; use Wk, Rs, Nu, Dr, or Rp
|gun= Resistance to the Gun element
|fire= Resistance to the Fire element
|ice= Resistance to the Ice element
|electric= Resistance to the Elec element
|force= Resistance to the Force element
|light= Resistance to the Light element
|dark= Resistance to the Dark element
|physfrac= Fractional resistance to the Phys element
|gunfrac= Fractional resistance to the Gun element
|firefrac= Fractional resistance to the Fire element
|icefrac= Fractional resistance to the Ice element
|elecfrac= Fractional resistance to the Elec element
|forcefrac= Fractional resistance to the Force element
|lightfrac= Fractional resistance to the Light element
|darkfrac= Fractional resistance to the Dark element
|skills= Known and learnable skills; use {{Skill}} to add skills
Parameter Notes
By default, the template will automatically add the character's bust-up icon as [[File:SMT4A {{{PAGENAME}}} Icon.png]]. The img= parameter inputs a different subject name to call the icon from. This should be used if the character's in-game appearance differs from their original appearance.
By default, the template will automatically render the character's name the same as the article name. Use the name parameter if the name differs in-game.
race / raceredirect
The race parameters displays the character's race, which can be viewed in the status screen. The race= parameter will automatically link to the named race's page.

If the race has a different name in-game from the race page, use raceredirect= instead to manually link to the appropriate race page or section. This must be formatted with brackets.
Basic attack
The hit=, element=, target=, and effect= parameters are used to render the character's basic attack description. By default, this is rendered as the default description: "1 attack(s) with the Phys element / Target: 1 enemy / Add: None".
Element resistance parameters have two sets of rows: the first is used for the in-game resistance UI (Wk, Rs, Nu, Dr, Rp), the second is used for precise fractional values reflecting data found in the Shin Megami Tensei IV Final Official Complete Guide.

The fraction parameters default to ×1 to indicate neutral resistance. Fractions are added by inputting the equivalent numerical value (i.e. "2" for ×2, "1.5" for ×1.5, etc).
Use Template:Skill to add skills and the level they are learned at, if applicable. Skill information is called from Template:Data/Skill/SMT4A. This stat table will display the skill name, cost, description, and level.


{{SMT4A Partner Stats