Morning Star

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For the Demon summoned by Lucifer in Shin Megami Tensei V, see Morning Star (Demon).

Morning Star is a recurring skill in the Megami Tensei franchise.


Morning Star is an Almighty spell unique to the demon named Lucifer or Helel, depending on the game's localization. In most cases, it cannot be inherited via Fusion.



Game Attribute S. TypeSkill Type D. TypeDamage Type Effect Cost P. LevelPower Level Target Range Hits B. PowerBase Power C. RateCritical Hit Rate Accuracy Rank Usage
In Battle Outside
Shin Megami Tensei IV Almighty ??? All 1 120 100%
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Almighty ??? 1 MP All 1
Persona 3 Almighty 80 SP Massive All Foes 800 100%
Persona 3 FES Almighty 80 SP Massive All Foes 800 100%
Persona 3 Portable Almighty 80 SP Massive All Foes 800 100%
Persona 3 Reload Almi 64 SP Massive All Foes 850 95
Persona 4 Almighty Deals damage; Unique to Helel; Cannot be inherited in Fusion 55 SP Massive All Enemies 1 220 95%
Persona 4 Golden Almighty Deals damage; Unique to Helel; Cannot be inherited in Fusion 55 SP Massive All Enemies 1 230 95%
Persona 5 Almi Magical 54 SP Severe All Foes 1 230 95%
Persona 5 Royal Almi Magical 54 SP Severe All Foes 1 230 95%
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Almighty Magic Magic 68 SP Extreme All Ranged 1 420 ? ?


Game Description
Shin Megami Tensei IV HP reduction by 50% (Almighty) to all enemies.
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Halves HP of all foes.
Persona 3 Deals massive Almighty damage to all foes.
Persona 3 Reload Deals massive Almighty damage to all foes.
Persona 4 Deals massive Almighty damage to all foes.
Persona 5 Severe Almighty dmg to all foes.
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Extreme Almighty attack. (All enemies)



Persona 4 Golden

Name Arcana Learned



Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 明けの明星 Ake no Myōjō Morning Star
Simplified Chinese 拂晓明星 Fúxiǎo Míngxīng Morning Star
Traditional Chinese 拂曉明星 Fúxiǎo Míngxīng Morning Star
French Étoile du matin Morning Star
German Morgenstern Morning Star
Italian Stella del mattino Morning Star
Korean 새벽의 명성明星 Saebyeog-ui myeongseong Morning Star
Polish Gwiazda Zaranna Morning Star
Brazilian Portuguese Estrela da Manhã Morning Star
Russian Зарница Zarnitsa Morning Star. Zarnica is a Slavic name of the planet Venus, from Russian: заряdawn, romanized zarya.
Spanish Lucero del alba Morning Star
Turkish Sabah Yıldızı Morning Star


