Eastern Kingdom of Mikado

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The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado, also simply known as Mikado, is a location in Shin Megami Tensei IV and Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. It is a kingdom founded by Aquila over 1,500 years ago and kept safe thanks to its Samurai.


Mikado is divided into two main districts: one for the Luxurors and one for the Casualries. In the past, the caste system of Mikado dictated that the Luxorors, who work in more advanced fields, while the poorer Casualries, who do manual labor, should seldom interact with each other.[1] Additionally, it is impossible to move out of the class you were born in, with the exception of passing the yearly Gauntlet Rite after turning the age of 18 and becoming a Samurai. In the center of the walls dividing the layers of the kingdom lies Mikado Castle, as well as the Monastery.

Inside of Mikado Castle, there are two plazas: the Obelisk Plaza and the Aquila Statue Plaza, where the entrance to Naraku is, as well as the castle's city. The Obelisk Plaza contains an obelisk, on which is inscribed the history of the kingdom, as well as details about the war between the angels and demons, and the founding of the Samurai. The Aquila Statue Plaza contains a large statue of Aquila, the first King of Mikado, with the entrance to Naraku directly below. To the left and right are various shops and stations, as well as the Samurai Barracks.


Q's Blacksmith

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B's Apothecary

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K's Tavern

K's Tavern acts much like the Hunter Association bars in Tokyo.


Item Location
Item Name ×If multiple copies.
Where to find or how to obtain.

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei IV

Flynn and Issachar head from their hometown of Kiccigiorgi to Mikado to participate in the yearly gauntlet rite to become Samurai. Only Flynn is chosen by the gauntlet, leaving Issachar devastated. From there, Flynn meets Jonathan, Walter, Isabeau, and Navarre who are his fellow Samurai from this year. The Commander of the Samurai, Hope, sends them to explore the rest of Mikado and eventually into Naraku to fight demons.

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

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In Apocalypse, Mikado serves as the main base of operations for Merkabah and his followers. Nanashi and his group eventually go to infiltrate the kingdom, but are ultimately caught. Here Hallelujah reveals his demonic heritage to the others while fighting Azrael.

In the Bonds ending, the previously torn down statue of Aquila in Aquila Plaza is replaced with one of Flynn and Nanashi.

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Manga Appearances

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 東のミカド国 Higashi no Mikado-koku Eastern Country of Mikado
ミカド Mikado Mikado



  1. "Isabeau: Until recently Mikado maintained a caste system. Luxurors dealt with intellectual pursuits while Casualries performed manual labor, such as agriculture. But that ended once the people exiled the king." Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse.