Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible II Soundtrack

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Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible II Soundtrack is the soundtrack album for Last Bible II composed by Hiroyuki Yanada and Iwao Mitsunaga.[1][2]

The album was re-released on modern streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and YouTube Music, on December 5, 2023.[3]


# Title Translation Composer
01 オープニング Opening
02 システム System
03 プロローグ Prologue
04 神殿 Temple
05 Town
06 宿屋ジングル Inn Jingle
07 ほこら Shrine
08 ジングル Jingle
09 フィールド Field Hiroyuki Yanada
10 戦闘 Battle
11 戦闘終了 Battle Over
12 全滅 Annihilation
13 ダンジョン Dungeon
14 ボス戦 Boss Battle
15 Tower
16 回想 Reminiscence
17 イベント Event
18 Ship
19 箱舟 Ark Hiroyuki Yanada
20 魔界 Hell
21 ガイア Gaia Hiroyuki Yanada
22 エンディング Ending


  • Despite the album not specifying which composers worked on which tracks, the album Megaten World features arrangements of three tracks from Last Bible II credited to Hiroyuki Yanada.[4]

External Links


  1. "作曲は、シリーズI~Ⅲの楽曲を担った簗田裕之氏が担当。" Translation: "The music was composed by Hiroyuki Yanada, who was responsible for the music of the series I-III." Atlus, アトラス関連タイトルのサウンドトラックを サブスク一斉配信開始!. Archived: [1]. Published December 5, 2023. Retrieved December 5, 2023.