Illust Puzzle: Persona 3

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Illust Puzzle: Persona 3 is a video game in the Persona series, and a spin-off of Persona 3. It is a nonogram, also commonly referred to as Picross, puzzle game.




Two puzzle types are available, monochrome and color , with the color puzzles being more challenging. There are 10 stages and 40 puzzles total, with 4 puzzles per stage. A stage is cleared when all 4 of its puzzles have been completed. The puzzles are based on the designs of the Arcana cards.

Gameplay is the same as most nonogram games. The player must determine the final design of the puzzle using the numbers on the vertical and horizontal axes as clues. For example, a if the numbers for a column or row reads "5 6 2", there are sets of five, six, and two filled squares in that specific column or row, in that order, with at least one blank square between each set. The puzzle selection screen gives information on which Arcana card the puzzle is based on.

When a stage is completed, a full image will be constructed from its 4 puzzles, and the image can be viewed at any time in the Gallery Mode.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese イラストパズル ペルソナ3 Irasuto Pazuru Persona Surī Illustration Puzzle: Persona 3




  1. "株式会社ビービーエムエフは 2008 年 3 月 3 日(月)より、ソフトバンク株式会社の「Yahoo!ケータイ」向けゲームサイト『女神転生』にて、S!アプリ『イラストパズル ペルソナ 3』を配信致します" Archived Press Release. Published March 3, 2008. Retrieved April 23, 2024.
  2. "株式会社ビービーエムエフは 4 月 14 日(月)より、株式会社 NTT ドコモの「iモード®」向けゲームサイト『メガテンα』にて、iアプリ『イラストパズル ペルソナ 3』を配信致します。" Archived Press Release. Published April 11, 2008. Retrieved April 23, 2024.
  3. "株式会社ビービーエムエフは 2008 年 9 月 11 日(木)より、KDDI 株式会社の「EZweb」向けゲームサイト『女神転生』にて、『イラストパズル ペルソナ 3』を無料体験版付きアプリとして配信致しま す。" Archived Press Release. Published September 11, 2008. Retrieved April 19, 2024.