Brash, bloodthirsty, and hotheaded as his name implies, Heat is a skilled combatant with a tendency to disobey orders. His behaviors and emotions become increasingly volatile throughout the game's events, and he struggles to both control and comprehend them. He develops a fixation on protecting Sera, as well as the competitive urge to prove he is stronger than Serph, which often compels him toward insubordination. Often leaving the party abruptly and returning later on, Heat demonstrates a recklessness that his comrades find troubling.
Heat's physical appearance matches his fiery personality; he has a toned build with pronounced biceps, broad shoulders, a sharp jawline, and shoulder-length, wavy scarlet hair with matching eyes. His Atma Brand is called Fireball, depicted as a sharp-toothed, burning head branded into his right arm. His Atma Avatar itself, Agni, is a two-headed demon with hard, scarlet skin, highly-defined musculature, and golden spikes lining its shoulders, chest, and thighs. Its long retractable claws are capable of carving through flesh and bone.
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In Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2, more of Heat's personality and motivations are revealed throughout the story. Much of his violent, intimidating demeanor is implied to be a direct consequence of Sera's perception of his human predecessor, Heat O'Brien. Because Sera interpreted O'Brien as "scary"[1], her mental projection of Heat in the Junkyard was aggressive and cruel, the same way that Serph is influenced by Sera's inability to reconcile Sheffield's cruelty with his false kindness[2]. Sera also witnessed O'Brien's last moments, in which he demonstrated both compassion and aggression by pointing a gun at Sheffield in order to stop him from harming Sera more than was necessary to fulfill their goals; this may be the reason that Heat is torn between the urge to protect and the urge to destroy throughout both games.
In the end, Heat's compassion wins out — after sustaining a fatal wound as Vritra (DDS), he projects himself up into the EGG Facility's Control Room so that Sera, Cielo, and Gale will not have to watch him die, urging Serph to come "fight him" alone. He also chooses to support the party either as a direct member or as a contented bystander on the Sun, depending upon the player's choices. If the player chooses to keep Heat as a party member in lieu of Roland, Heat will tell Seraph to "lighten up already"[3], demonstrating that his heart is at ease despite past events, and that he is ready to rejoin his comrades as an Embryon one last time.
End of spoilers.
Audio Drama Appearances
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Other Appearances
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In a brief exchange at Manipura, right outside the Maribel's base, Heat mentions that he only listens to metal[4]. In the Japanese version of the game, however, he says that he only listens to blues.
Names in Other Languages
↑"Sera: That guy's scary, Serph..." Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.
↑"Heat O'Brien: Your original traits may reflect her perception of us. However... you are different now." Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.
↑"Heat: Hey, lighten up already. I'm here for you." Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.
↑"Heat: I only listen to metal. I don't know what that is... but at least that sounds right." Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner.