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Gilgamesh is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



In Mesopotamian mythology, Gilgamesh (Sumerian: 𒀭𒄑𒉋𒂵𒎌The [Kinsman] is a Hero, romanized: Bilgames) is the main figure of the Epic of Gilgamesh. He was the arrogant and powerful king of Uruk, said to be two-thirds god and one-third man. In response to his subject's pleas, the gods created a wild man raised by animals named Enkidu to be Gilgamesh's equal. Gilgamesh and Enkidu formed an unlikely friendship, and would embark on grand adventures together. One such adventure was their journey to the Cedar Forest, in which they vanquished the beast Humbaba with the aid of Shamash the sun god. Gilgamesh was also proposed to by the love goddess Inanna (referred to as Ishtar), but rejecting her advances resulted in the Bull of Heaven being unleashed upon Uruk, to which Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeated it and saved the city. However, Enkidu died of a sickness cast upon him by the gods, spurring Gilgamesh's quest to find Utnapishtim, a Great Flood survivor who was divinely granted eternal life. Utnapishtim spoke of a magic plant of youthfulness that laid at the bottom of the ocean, which Gilgamesh found following another arduous journey. Unfortunately, a serpent stole the plant before he could consume it. Gilgamesh was then forced to return to Uruk empty-handed, having come to terms with his own mortality.


Gilgamesh is a tan-skinned man with brown dreadlocks and a soul patch, wielding a large axe. He wears a blue tunic with green hems, red cloth around his waist, and several gold rings on his arms and ankles.


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Compendium Entries
Devil Children
White Book
しんゆうを うしなってから えいえんのイノチ を さがしている カミの ちをひく えいゆう
Translation: A hero of godly blood searching for eternal life after losing his best friend.
Devil Children
Light Book and Dark Book
Part human and part demon, this creature seeks to find the secret of immortality.
Devil Children
Fire Book and Ice Book
大事な 親友を うしなってから 永遠の命を 探す 旅を しつづける 神と 人間の間に 生まれたえいゆう
Translation: A hero born between a god and a human who, after losing his cherished best friend, continues his journey in search of eternal life.

Game Appearances

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
English GilgamisDemiKids Light Version and Dark Version
Japanese ギルガメシュ Girugameshu Gilgamesh