Devil's Fuge

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Devil's Fuge is a skill and key item in Devil Survivor.


The devil's fuge is a cell phone strap shaped like a mistletoe. It is the one thing inside the Yamanote lockdown that can hurt the immortal Beldr.

It is a reference to the story of Baldur's death, in which the god was made invincible to all things except the mistletoe, and was killed by an arrow made from it.



Game Attribute Type Effect Cost Power Level Target Hits Base Power Critical Rate Accuracy Usage
In Battle Outside
Devil Survivor Physical Command Replaces Protagonist's basic attack in skirmishes against Beldr. Ignores Resistances. One Foe 1 ? ?
Devil Survivor: Overclocked Physical Command Replaces Protagonist's basic attack in skirmishes against Beldr. Ignores Resistances. One Foe 1 Protagonist's average stats x1.2 200


The devil's fuge is obtained on the 3rd Day after the 17:00 battle in Nagata-cho.


Game Description
Devil Survivor
The bane of Beldr
Devil Survivor: Overclocked
The bane of Beldr

Manga Appearances

Devil Survivor

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ヤドリギ Mistletoe