Daichi Shijima

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Daichi Shijima is a playable character in Devil Survivor 2. He is a close friend of the protagonist and a third-year high school student in Tokyo before becoming a demon tamer under JP's.


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At the start of both the Septentrione and Triangulum arc, Daichi and the protagonist are preparing for college entrance exams before disaster strikes. His parents are unnamed, but Daichi himself mentions that he and the protagonist live in the same neighborhood.[2]

While generally cheerful and sociable with a joking demeanor, Daichi is a thoughtful and anxious individual who harbors concerns about his future after graduation and is uncertain about what he can do to help those around him. He ultimately grows into a more confident and determined individual who cherishes his bonds with his friends above all.

During the Septentrione arc, unlike his peers Io Nitta and the protagonist, Daichi is far more sensitive to the disaster's effects on Japan and laments the state of the world. He often comments on how abnormal the world has become and panics when strong foes appear. Even so, despite his fears and anxieties, Daichi is ultimately a courageous individual, notably defeating Dubhe by ramming a truck into it. In his Fate events, he grows to be more decisive, and thanks to Hinako Kujou, by the end of the week works to try and solve issues on his own rather than relying on others.

During the Triangulum arc, Daichi retains his growth from his trials in the Septentrione arc and is determined not to go back to his indecisive, halfhearted self. His Fate episodes generally discuss helping other NPCs or how he is still trying to grow as an individual to find his place in the world. Near the end of the week, he realizes that his wholehearted and thoughtful efforts to help others is why people trust in him, and using that trust in order to accomplish greater things is not a weakness but something to be celebrated.[3]


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Daichi's stats tend towards strength and agility. His stat spread is more balanced than Hinako or Keita Wakui, and he tends to sport the highest magic out of the three of them. While his damage output is the lowest of the three potential multi-strike users, his higher magic stat allows him to bring stronger heals into battle.

His magic stat is not high enough for him to use offensive magic well, so fielding support magic such as Amrita, Recarm, or the Dia line of spells can suit him better. This gives him a niche as a multi-strike user who can also use his turn's action to support his teammates.

Game Appearances

Devil Survivor 2

Septentrione Arc

Main section: Devil Survivor 2 § Synopsis

On Sunday, Daichi, the protagonist, and their fellow schoolmate Io Nitta are nearly killed by a train accident at Shibuya Station, caused by the earthquakes and calamities brought forth by the Septentriones. They are able to survive thanks to Nicaea, forming contracts with demons in the process.

During Sunday's events Dubhe appears, causing Io, the protagonist, and Daichi to be separated in the ensuing chaos. Io and the protagonist receive a death video of Daichi set at Sensouji soon after. They rush to the shrine to save him, successfully averting his death with Makoto Sako's assistance. Later, at Hibiya Park, Daichi is dragged off by Joe who is being chased by his contract demon and other failed contract demons. After helping Joe to form his contract, Joe joins the team. The group runs into Dubhe again at Shinbashi Station's SL Plaza. Though Daichi initially flees in a nearby truck, he later returns, ramming the truck into Dubhe and crippling it with a massive explosion. This opening allows for the rest of the group to finish Dubhe off.

Though the team initially believe him to be dead, a stranded Daichi clinging to rubble yells for help in getting down: he explains he jumped out of the truck at the last minute, and it is shown he risked falling to his death in the process. Yamato Hotsuin praises Daichi and the group's actions and thanks them for defeating Dubhe. He allows them to join with JP's, a government organization specializing in the supernatural, obtaining food, shelter, and information in exchange for assisting the organization with defeating the Septentriones.

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On Monday evening, Daichi volunteers to help drive supplies from Tokyo to Nagoya, which results in his kidnapping by civilian rioters led by Ronaldo Kuriki who have taken over the Nagoya JP's branch. The team receives a death video of Jungo Torii and notices Daichi in the background of the video, which they later learn is set at the Science Museum. Even if the team is too late to save Jungo, Daichi will remain safe. If Jungo dies, Daichi expresses remorse for Jungo giving up his life to try and save him.

Later in the week, as tensions rise between Yamato and Ronaldo's respective factions, Daichi begins to field a neutral party in opposition to both ideals presented. Instead of trying to change humanity's nature, Daichi's route generally seeks to unify everyone under one banner. The exact goal of the route depends on whether the protagonist decides to kill Polaris or not:

  • Killing Polaris sets the group on the Liberator route, where humanity rebuilds the broken world post-invasion in a world without an Administrator.
  • Cooperating with Polaris unlocks the Restorer and Triumphant routes, where the team requests that Polaris rewind the world to the state it was before the invasion.
    • The Triumphant route is generally the same as the Restorer route and is unlocked if the main character recruits all 13 demon tamers to his side. Characters receive their own credits scenes in this ending, which undergo further changes if the protagonist has achieved Fate rank 5 with different party members or if he completed Dera-Deka's storyline.

If the protagonist decides to side with someone other than Daichi, Daichi can be recruited if his Fate is at rank 4, and will voice trust in his best friend's judgment and vision for a new world.

End of spoilers.

Triangulum Arc

Main section: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker § Synopsis

Daichi does not remember the events of the Septentrione arc until after forming a contract with Nicaea at the Sky Tower. Additionally, in the new timeline, Daichi reveals that he, Io, and the protagonist all grew up together—a marked difference from how Daichi and the protagonist only knew Io as a schoolmate before the invasion. After regaining his memories, Daichi expresses disbelief that the world has once again been plunged into chaos against otherworldly invaders. Even so, he rises up to meet the state of the world head-on and proactively assists in gathering information and helping others.

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On Wednesday, Daichi has a dream about Arcturus killing everyone in a world where the protagonist is absent. After discussing the dream with others, Daichi realizes he was the last one to die in the dream, sharing his memories of seeing Yamato and Al Saiduq with the others. He expresses concern for their missing friends, even expressing respect for Yamato's way of running things during the Septentrione invasion and noting how impactful his absence is on the team's drive and morale.

Once Daichi notices the protagonist's flickering, a side effect of his data in the Akashic Record being attacked by the Triangulum, he worries for his friend's condition and seriously urges him to take it easy and check in with Otome Yanagiya.

On Friday, Daichi is captured by JP's after volunteering to act as a diversion with Ronaldo, Keita Wakui, and Makoto so the rest of the group can get to the Mt. Fuji terminal. While being kept hostage, he still attempts to talk with Miyako Hotsuin, though she ultimately dismisses him. Miyako allows him to return to the rest of the group after they arrive at the Sky Tower at noon as promised.

If the protagonist chooses to follow Miyako's decision, Daichi says he feels he has not done anything with his life that he is proud of, but hopes his life can save others.[4] Otherwise, the group defeat Miyako, and after they win her over to their side, Daichi and Io attempt to befriend her and teach her about the human world.

In the Endless Battle ending, Daichi once again shakes the protagonist awake in an exam room moments before the next wave of invaders hit Tokyo.

In the Guardian ending, after the battle with Canopus, Daichi realizes that the protagonist has decided to sacrifice himself and rushes to the lab beneath the Sky Tower. He begs the protagonist to stop, but the protagonist remains resolute. Yamato prevents him from interrupting the procedure, citing that this is the protagonist's wish, causing Daichi to cry out in frustration. He is later seen in the new world with Io, wistfully looking skyward after receiving the results of his entrance exams.

In the Record Breaker ending, Daichi is seen driving the protagonist and Io around at a college campus. In the bonus scenes featuring Miyako and Al Saiduq, Io helps Miyako into Daichi's car and he drives all four of them to the beach, where they meet up with the rest of the tamers and Al Saiduq.

End of spoilers.

Anime Appearances

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Devil Survivor 2 The Animation

Manga Appearances

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Devil Survivor 2: Show Your Free Will

Devil Survivor 2 The Animation


  • Daichi's death video will always be prevented.
  • At the start of the game, Daichi has just acquired his driving license.
    • He drives vehicles multiple times in the story, including for an errand Makoto asks him to run on Monday evening, at various points in his Fate episodes or other events to ferry resources and supplies, and during the credits of the Record Breaker ending of the Triangulum campaign.
    • In the Devil Survivor 2 Official Design Works, his personal data section notes that on days off, he is happy to visit either the ocean or the mountains with his car.[5] His license is noted to be one of his most treasured possessions.[6]
  • According to the Devil Survivor 2 Official Design Works, Daichi lives somewhere along the Hanzōmon line in Tokyo. Because of his statement about him and the protagonist living in the same neighborhood, this implies the protagonist lives somewhere near there as well.
  • He and the protagonist have been friends since childhood.


The kanji used in Daichi's name (志島大地) literally translates to mean "vast land" (大地 / "daichi", lit. "great" and "land") and "resolute island" (志島 / "shijima", lit. "resolve" or "kindness" and "island").

The Devil Survivor 2 Design Works explains that his surname is derived from his astrological zodiac sign Leo. Shijima is phonetically derived from the Japanese name for a lion dance, shishimai (kanji: 獅子舞). His first name Daichi (大地, lit. "vast land") is meant to reference how he uses vehicles to travel vast distances across Japan.[7]

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 志島 大地 Shijima Daichi


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  • デビルサバイバー2 公式設定資料集 (Devil Survivor 2 Official Creative Works), pp. 18-19. Published by エンターブレイン (Enterbrain). ISBN 978-4047276390.
  1. "Joe: Hahaha! Hey, Daich! What'cha doing up there?" Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. Developed by ATLUS. Published by ATLUS U.S.A..
  2. "Daichi: Since we're from the same neighborhood, um… I think your house is also…" Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. Developed by ATLUS. Published by ATLUS U.S.A..
  3. "Daichi: I called in some favors from the people at the shelter, a couple of the local SDF guys. Everyone wanted to pitch in, so word got around really quick. We found him in no time! So, in the end, I guess I had to depend on others the whole time. I knew there wasn't much I could do on my own. / Protagonist: That's your talent! / Daichi: Huh…? My talent? W-Wait… I'm not sure I get what you mean. / Protagonist: You put your all into everything you do. / Daichi: …! So… So they all helped me find the kid because… I've been doing so much to help people out? And that's why we were able to find him. I think I see what you mean. I… I get it now. Heh, I guess even I have a talent. Hahaha." Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. Developed by ATLUS. Published by ATLUS U.S.A..
  4. "Daichi: I… I haven't done anything in my life that I'm really proud of, but… I guess if I can use my life to save the world…" Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. Developed by ATLUS. Published by ATLUS U.S.A..
  5. "休日に行きたい旅行先:海もいいしな〜、山もいいよな!車で行けることにしょよーぜ!" Translation: "Where they'd go on days off: Well, the beach is nice… and so are the mountains! Let's head somewhere I can drive us to!" デビルサバイバー2 公式設定資料集 (Devil Survivor 2 Official Creative Works). Published by エンターブレイン. Japanese. p.19. Translation by Halphas. ISBN-13: 978-4047276390.
  6. "大切な宝物:運転免許" Translation: "Treasured possession: Driver's License" デビルサバイバー2 公式設定資料集 (Devil Survivor 2 Official Creative Works). Published by エンターブレイン. Japanese. p.22. Translation by Halphas. ISBN-13: 978-4047276390.
  7. "ダイチは8月15日生まれの獅子座。十二宮なら獅子宮にあたる。ダイチ本人は獅子のイメージとかけ離れているが、志島大地という名前にはしっかり獅子の血が受け継がれている。そこで、志島大地の名前の由来を細解いてみよう。苗字の志島は、獅子座から獅子舞を連想し、シシマイの発 音が訛って志島の名 字となった。名前の 大地は、車で地を走 ることが多いという設定から大地と命名されたのだ。" Translation: "Daichi was born on August 15th and is a Leo. His birthdate corresponds to the astrological sign for Leo the Lion. Though Daichi is quite far from the image of a lion, Daichi Shijima's surname does indeed inherit and display strong attributes from his Zodiac symbol. Let's unwrap the details behind his name. His last name Shijima is derived from Leo (shishiza) and the image of a lion dance (shishimai) that it evokes. The pronunciation of "shishimai" was twisted into "shijima," becoming his family name. His first name Daichi (vast land) came about from how he uses his car to travel vast distances in the story." デビルサバイバー2 公式設定資料集 (Devil Survivor 2 Official Creative Works). Published by エンターブレイン. Japanese. p.22. Translation by Halphas. ISBN-13: 978-4047276390.