Area of Aspiration

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The Area of Aspiration is a location in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE. It is a bonus dungeon within the Idolasphere exclusive to Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore, accessible from the Bloom Palace. It is based around an extra story involving Tsubasa Oribe and Kiria Kurono, and new floors open up as the game progresses.



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Item Location
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Game Appearances

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore

Over the Topic, Tiki called Itsuki and Tsubasa over to the Bloom Palace, announcing she had discovered a new space in the Idolasphere. Tiki speculated this space had the power to make dreams come true, as when she opened one of the treasure boxes inside, she was able to listen to songs people made using her Uta-loid voice software.

Episode 1: Rolling Star

Stepping into the Area of Aspiration, Tiki warned her friends that Mirages were drawn to its lingering power, then teleported back to the Bloom Palace. Before the group proceeded, Tsubasa confessed to Itsuki that she wanted to cover Kiria's hit song "Reincarnation", but was not sure if she could do the song justice. Itsuki, however, assured Tsubasa they may be able to find her a wish-granting item further in the dungeon. Surely enough, a treasure box contained the choker Kiria wore for her debut, to which Kiria remarked that it was a symbol of her fans' expectations for her to have a cool persona. Itsuki drew a comparison between Kiria's early career and Tsubasa's, since they were both insecure of how they presented themselves upon starting out as idols. Later on, the three met at Cafe Seiren in Tokyo with magazines promoting Tsubasa's cover of "Reincarnation". Just then, the cover started playing on the radio. A joyous Tsubasa thanked the Area of Aspiration for making her wish come true, then Itsuki asked Kiria what she wished for, though Kiria claimed that nothing came to mind.

Episode 2: What About Love

Arriving at the next section of the dungeon, Itsuki reiterated his previous question to Kiria. Although she was not chasing any particular dream, Kiria told Itsuki she was recently offered a role in a commercial for "Amrita Shower Zero". Tsubasa had previously starred in a commercial for the regular "Amrita Shower", but "Zero" was planned to have an older demographic. For the commercial, the publishers wanted Kiria to cover Tsubasa's song "Maybe Friends, Maybe Lovers", which she admitted was far different from anything she had done before. The item they obtained this time was Tsubasa's hairpin, an item given to her by Ayaha until she accidentally lost it. Itsuki eventually found it after tirelessly looking, thereby symbolizing Tsubasa's bond with him. Itsuki, however, never considered retrieving the hairpin to be anything special. The hairpin's sentiment and Itsuki's carelessness reminded Kiria of lyrics in "Maybe Friends, Maybe Lovers", motivating her to begin recording the commercial. Everyone returned to Fortuna Office soon thereafter to view the commercial and song cover, with Maiko praising Kiria for her willingness to show a new side of herself.

Episode 3: Stay Gold

Itsuki noticed Tsubasa's weariness upon entering the dungeon's third segment, to which she claimed a cosmetics company was filming a new commercial, and that they wanted Tsubasa and Kiria to record a theme song for it. While this greatly excited Tsubasa, as she was finally in the same league as Kiria, she devoted lots of time to sharpening her rhythm, consequently losing sleep. Tsubasa felt there was always something missing in her work, so finding a treasure in the Area of Aspiration would ensure her and Kiria's success. Talking between themselves, Kiria and Itsuki feared Tsubasa was trying too hard to handle things by herself, forgetting the song was a duet. Itsuki then took a moment to talk things over with Tsubasa, who reminisced over her recent collaborations with Kiria. He assured Tsubasa that she and Kiria were near equals at this point, and how she was someone everyone could depend on. The group eventually reached the treasure box, but before opening it, Tsubasa confessed she had grown past being a mere Kiria fangirl. With all the jobs she undertook and challenges she overcame, she no longer had a reason to hide in her idol's shadow. Tsubasa and Kiria agreed to sing as a supportive duo, causing the treasure box to disappear. Realizing the final treasure was within herself, Tsubasa returned to Tokyo where she trained heavily with Kiria. Soon enough, the song "She Is..." and its accompanying music video were released, quickly becoming popular across the whole city. Itsuki and Tsubasa talked with Tiki about their journey, understanding the Area of Aspiration to have motivated Tsubasa to grow as an idol; because she found her inspiration, she no longer needed the gifts in the treasure boxes to push her forward.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 希望の幻想領域 Kibō no Gensō Ryōiki Illusory Area of Aspiration


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