Nanjo Group

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The Nanjo Group is a family-run corporation in Megami Ibunroku Persona, of which Kei Nanjo is the heir. The Kirijo Group spun off from it.


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List of Members

Game Appearances

Megami Ibunroku Persona

The Nanjo Group is briefly mentioned in Megami Ibunroku Persona. Kei Nanjo of St. Hermelin High School is its heir. Before the game's events, the company had participated in a business party, where Nanjo met Takahisa Kandori, the president of Mikage-cho's branch of SEBEC. At the end of the SEBEC route, it is revealed that after Nanjo is done with his executive training, he will take an incognito job as a salesman at a subsidary of the company.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Before the events of the game, the Nanjo Group had bought out SEBEC's scientists and knowledge to team with the government, specifically Tatsuzou Sudou's New World Order, for Kandori's research, such as the Deva System. As Nanjo was studying abroad in England at that time, he was not aware of the conspiracy until rumors got out, which made him return to Japan.

The now-infiltrated Nanjo Group is led by Kandori (now going by the alias Guy Shinjo), who was resurrected by the New World Order through the power of Kotodama. The scientists' experiments in the Science Lab consist of taking initative over the X Series Robots co-developed by the Police Department and Defense Agency, demonizing humans by making their dormant Persona take them over and extracting Kegare from the abducted victims of the Joker Curse by using the Joker Seperation Machine. Nanjo, along with Maya Amano, Ulala Serizawa, Katsuya Suou, Baofu and Tatsuya Suou puts a stop to the New World Order's control over his family's company.

Persona 3

The Nanjo Group is briefly mentioned by Takeharu Kirijo where he reveals the Kirijo Group split away from the Nanjo Group and quotes, "Two in harmony surpasses one in perfection." No explicit reason is given for the division between the two companies.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 南条グループ Nanjō Group