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The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, abbreviated as S.E.E.S., is an Anti-Shadow group introduced in Persona 3. Under the guise of being a school club, S.E.E.S ventures into Tartarus during the Dark Hour to find the secrets held within. S.E.E.S. represents the Fool Social Link.[1]


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List of Members

Game Appearances

Persona 3

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At some unspecified time, S.E.E.S. was founded by Mitsuru Kirijo and Shuji Ikutsuki with expressed purpose of defeating shadows and discovering the secrets within Tartarus. Believing the answer to ending the Dark Hour and destroying Tartarus was inside, Mitsuru spent many years recruiting members to join her cause. Akihiko Sanada was recruited while he and Mitsuru were in middle school. Concerned about his friend's safety, Shinjiro Aragaki joined soon after. Due to a tragic incident two years before Persona 3 beings, Shinjiro leaves S.E.E.S. and refuses to return. Two years later after receiving and important letter in the mail, Yukari Takeba manages to find a way to join S.E.E.S. shortly before the Protagonist moves to Tatsumi Port Island.

When the Protagonist arrives to the Iwatodai Dorm, they are put under watch as they determine their potential to join S.E.E.S. They did not wait long as the Protagonist awakened their Persona only days after arriving and agreed to join the team. Coincidentally around the same time, Akihiko found Junpei Iori camped out and terrified inside a convenience store and was subsequently recruited as well.

With three members healthy enough to venture into Tartarus, the Protagonist is appointed as Field Leader.


On December 31st after deciding to face death and Nyx, S.E.E.S. becomes the Nyx Annihilation Team and the Social Link evolves into Judgement as they climb the final level of Tartarus.

Persona 3 FES

After the events of The Journey, Mitsuru seeks to officially retire S.E.E.S., collect all their equipment, and close the school dorm.

Persona 3 Portable

In an alternate universe, the female Protagonist takes center role and becomes the S.E.E.S Field Leader. She is given noticeably more opportunities to bond with the rest of S.E.E.S. due to more Social Links with party members. There are no significant gameplay or story differences between the male and female protagonist.

Persona 3 Reload

In Persona 3 Reload, the Protagonist is given significantly more opportunities to bond with the rest of S.E.E.S. due to special Link Episodes with party members who lack a Social Link. More activities have been added to Iwatodai Dorm presenting more options to hang out with party members outside of school or field operations.

In Persona 3 Reload, each member is given a number on their new S.E.E.S. uniforms based on the order in which they first summoned their Persona and joined S.E.E.S.[2]

# Name
0 Mitsuru Kirijo
1 Akihiko Sanada
2 Shinjiro Aragaki
3 Makoto Yuki
4 Yukari Takeba
5 Junpei Iori
6 Fuuka Yamagishi
7 Aigis
8 Koromaru
9 Ken Amada

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

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Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

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  • In Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES, Shinjiro Aragaki is absent from the Nyx Annihilation Team description unlike in Persona 3 Portable where he is still present despite canonical story events.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  Japanese 特別課外活動部 Tokubetsu kagai katsudō-bu Special Extracurricular Activities Department; officially Special Extracurricular Execute Sector
  Simplified Chinese 特別課外活動部 Tèbié kèwài huódòng bù Special Extracurricular Activities Department
Traditional Chinese
特别课外活动部 Tèbié kèwài huódòng bù Special Extracurricular Activities Department
  French Section d'exécution extrascolaire spécialisée Specialized Extracurricular Execution Section
  German Spezialisierte extrakurrikuläre Exekutionssquad Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
  Italian Squadra Esecutiva Extracurricolare Specializzata Specialized Extracurricular Executive Squad
  Korean 특별과외활동부 Teugbyeolgwaoehwaldongbu Special Extracurricular Activities Department
  Polish Specjalny Pozalekcyjny Oddział Egzekucyjny Special Extracurricular Execution Squad
  Brazilian Portuguese Setor Especializado em Execução Supracurricular Specialized Supracurricular Execution Sector
  Russian Специализированный внешкольный исполнительный отряд Spetsializirovannyy vneshkol'nyy ispolnitel'nyy otryad Specialized extracurricular executive squad
  Spanish Sociedad Extraescolar de Ejecución de Sombras Extracurricular Shadow Execution Society
  Turkish Uzman Müfredat Dışı İnfaz Birliği Specialist Extracurricular Execution Squad




Meet S.E.E.S trailer for Persona 3 Reload (JP)
Meet S.E.E.S trailer for Persona 3 Reload (EN)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Shuji Ikutsuki: Long story short...We're the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad--S.E.E.S. for short. On paper we're classified as a school club, But in reality, this group is dedicated to fighting the Shadows. Mitsuru is the leader. I'm the club advisor." Persona 3 Portable (PlayStation Portable).
  2. Although Yukari joined S.E.E.S. before Makoto, it is assumed she summoned her Persona for the first time after him, resulting in her being #4 instead of #3.